Notification No : 165
Section(s) Referred : s. 80L(1)(ii)
Date of Issue : 4/7/2003
Notification No. 165 of 2003, dt. 4th July, 2003
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section 80L of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby specifies the following debentures, in the nature of bonds, namely:
(i) the Industrial Development Bank of India Regular Income Bond (2002 C) of 13th Series bearing distinctive numbers from 131000001 to 131150592 under Option “A”, from 131150593 to 131158923 under Option “B”, from 131158924 to 131227651 under Option “C” and from 131227652 to 131240946 under Option “D”, of the face value of Rs. 5,000 each;
(ii) the Industrial Development Bank of India Infrastructure Bond (2002 C) of 13th Series bearing distinctive numbers from 134000001 to 134209003 under Option “A”, from 134209004 to 134239114 under Option “B”, and from 134239115 to 134364904 under Option “C”, of the face value of Rs. 5,000 each; and
(iii) the Industrial Development Bank of India Retirement Bond (2002 C) 13th Series bearing distinctive numbers from 133000001 to 133006529 under Option “A” and from 133006530 to 133008358 under Option “B”, of the face value of Rs. 5,000 each (with minimum investment of Rs. 25,000), issued by the Industrial Development Bank of India, Mumbai, a Corporation established under s. 3 of the Industrial Development Bank of India Act, 1964 (10 of 1964) in its public issue of bonds in Fle)dbonds-13th Series (2001-02), for the purposes of the said clause.
[F.No. 178/36/2002-ITA-II]