Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
Dated 24th January, 2013
Press Release
The procedure for PAN allotment process will undergo a change w.e.f. 03.02.2014. From this date onwards, every PAN applicant has to submit self-attested copies of Proof of Identity (POI), Proof of Address (POA) and Date of Birth (DOB) documents and also produce original documents of such POI/POA/DOB documents, for verification at the counter of PAN Facilitation Centres.
The copies of Proof of Identity (POI), Proof of Address (POA) and Date of Birth (DOB) documents attached with PAN application form, will be verified vis a vis their original documents at the time of submission of PAN application at PAN Facilitation Centre. Original documents shall not be retained by the PAN Facilitation Centres and will be returned back to the applicant after verification.
(Rekha Shukla)
Commissioner of Income Tax (M&TP)
Official Spokesperson, CBDT
Its good step for IT dept & PAN FACILITATION CENTRES becouse earlier PAN FACILITATION CENTRES take rs 200 to 300 for new PAN CARD BUT NOT they will take Rs 500-600 inclusive varification documents.
The major aspect to be revisited here is “online applications” for PAN. Better would be,if to begin with gazetted officer attested copies of POI/POA/DOB are made acceptable in place of showing or sending Original ones. This way the purpose should get resolved otherwise the PAN issuance process would be too lengthy and time consuming.
I think its a good move..looking to the importance of document like PAN..its very very important to check the original proof of documentations..
What happens to applications made online? we send couriers from home/office itself.
What about ladies PAN Card bcz for DOB verification school certificate may be attested, but after marriage name will be changed. Then whether that’s OK for new PAN CARD ?
What about pan application for NRI. They cannot send their passport etc in original in India… Seriously CBDT is making things complex instead of simplifying..
If we applied for NEW PAN by self not through PAN FACILITATION CENTRES . Is it necessory to verify original documents at the time of submission of PAN application at PAN Facilitation Centre ?
What will be the position for online applications for PAN?? Whether they will stop accepting Online applications?? If they accept these applications then how the originals will be verified?? They are going to create problems to the applicants who are going to apply applications online.They should authorize all the Bank’s branches to apply online application so that verification of originals may be possible.
will online application maker need to go to TIN FC for verification of their original documents after making online application? It is not clear.
What about correction in PAN?. Whether proof of DOB is also to be submitted?. Whether copy of PAN card is sufficient proof for DOB? How Original PAN correction application can be changed if there is mistake in entering name or a fresh PAN correction application has to be filed?
This is retrograde step. procedure should be easier and possible online. This will only clutter the Pan centre. what about old people. If frauds are committed there shd be some other method.
what about application from foreign address and online