We wish to inform you that the Annual Licentiate Subscription for the year 2012 -13 became due for payment w.e.f. 1st April, 2012. The last date for payment of fee is 30th June, 2012. You are requested to please remit Rs.1000/- by demand draft/local cheque at par in favour of `The Institute of Company Secretaries of India’ payable at New Delhi on or before 30.06.2012.
If you have already remitted the annual subscription, please ignore this reminder and send us the particulars of the remittance to enable us to link up the same & update your records. In case you are not interested to renew the Licentiateship for the year 2012-2013, please confirm us in writing.
For further queries, if any, you may contact Mr. Rajeshwar Singh, Sr. Assistant on Mobile No.09868128682 or Telephone No.011-45341063 & Email ids licentiate@icsi.edu or member@icsi.edu.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Meenakshi Gupta)
Joint Director (Legal & Membership)
Source- ICSI