Under the existing provisions of section 10AA of the Income-tax Act, a deduction of hundred per cent. is allowed in respect of profits and gains derived by a unit located in a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) from the export of articles or things or services for the first five consecutive assessment years; of fifty per cent. for further five assessment years; and thereafter, of fifty per cent. of the ploughed back export profit for the next five years.
Further, under section 80-IAB of the Income-tax Act, a deduction of hundred per cent. is allowed in respect of profits and gains derived by an undertaking from the business of development of an SEZ notified on or after 1st April, 2005 from the total income for any ten consecutive assessment years out of fifteen years beginning from the year in which the SEZ is notified by the Central Government.
Under the existing provisions of section 115JB(6), an exemption is allowed from payment of minimum alternate tax (MAT) on book profit in respect of the income accrued or arising on or after 1st April, 2005 from any business carried on, or services rendered, by an entrepreneur or a Developer, in a Unit or Special Economic Zone (SEZ), as the case may be.
Further, under the existing provisions of section 115-0(6), an exemption is allowed from payment of tax on distributed profits [Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT)] in respect of the total income of an undertaking or enterprise engaged in developing or developing and operating or developing, operating and maintaining a Special Economic Zone for any assessment year on any amount declared, distributed or paid by such Developer or enterprise, by way of dividends (whether interim or otherwise) on or after 1st April, 2005 out of its current income. Such distributed income is also exempt from tax under section 10(34) of the Act.
The above provisions were inserted in the Income-tax Act by the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 (SEZ Act) with effect from 10th February, 2006.
Currently, there is no sunset date provided for exemption from MAT in the case of a developer of an SEZ or a unit located in an SEZ. Similarly, there is no sunset date for exemption from DDT in the case of a developer of an SEZ.
It is proposed to sunset the availability of exemption from minimum alternate tax in the case of SEZ Developers and units in SEZs in the Income-tax Act as well as the SEZ Act.
This amendment to section 115JB of the Income-tax Act will take effect from 15t April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13 and subsequent years.
It is further proposed to discontinue the availability of exemption from dividend distribution tax in the case of SEZ Developers under the Income-tax Act as well as the SEZ Act for dividends declared, distributed or paid on or after 15t June, 2011.
This amendment to section 115-0 of the Income-tax Act will take effect from 15t June, 2011.
It is also proposed to make consequential amendments by omitting Explanation to section 10(34) of the Income-tax Act. This amendment to section 10 will take effect from 15t June, 2011.
Consequential amendments have also been proposed in the Second Schedule of the SEZ Act by omitting clause (C) of paragraph (a) [w.e.f. 01.06.2011], paragraph (h) [w.e.f. 01.04.2012] and paragraph (i) [w.e.f. 01.06.2011] of the Second Schedule.
In my opinion; the proposed amendments are in line with the concept of Indian Income-Tax Laws.
It gives room to develop focused areas of economic policies when they are un/under-developed and when the focused areas perform good after a time horizon of 5-6 years; then they are capable enough to contribute to the exchequer.