Delhi High Court held that non-deposition of deducted tax with the revenue by the employer cannot be recovered from employee as employee after accepting salary post TDS deduction doesn’t have any control over it.
Explore the Special Economic Zones (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2023, empowering Information Technology zones with non-processing areas. Learn about benefits, regulations, and implications
Assessee entitled to interest on GST Refund from the date of expiry of 60 days of the application filed pursuant to refund claim attaining finality: Delhi HC
Explore Gunjan Bindal case where Delhi High Court rules against Revenue Department’s cash seizure under Section 67 of CGST Act. Detailed analysis, implications, and judgment insights.
RBI’s Master Direction on IT Governance, Risk, Controls, and Assurance. Learn how it shapes tech frameworks for banks, addressing digital challenges and enhancing security
जीएसटी पोर्टल में वार्षिक रिटर्न, प्रमाणीकरण विधियों, ई-इनवॉयसिंग की महत्वपूर्ण अपडेट्स और नई रिपोर्टिंग सुविधाओं पर चर्चा करें।
Rama Pashu Aahar (P) Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi): Assessment Order Deemed Invalid without Document Identification Number (DIN)
This HC directs CIT (A) to consider Appellant’s grounds & pass Order on merits: read our blog post to learn more about this Madras High Court judgment!
The Himachal Pradesh High Court has declared that a Proclaimed Offender is not entitled to Anticipatory Bail. Learn more about this landmark ruling & why it matters.
Explore the GST implications of the contract between Tata Advanced Systems Ltd. and Airbus. Understand the nature of supply, tax classification, value determination, and time of supply for GST.