In re Ganga Kaveri Seeds Pvt Ltd. (GST AAAR Telangana) Appellants are in the business of production and sale of agricultural seeds. In the process of production, the applicant outsources certain services such as cleaning, drying, grading and packing to the job workers and stores the seeds in various facilities after processing them. In the […]
you are requested to kindly consider granting extension of time for filing of financial statements for the financial year ended 31.03.2022 up to 31st December, 2022 without levying additional fee.
Sodexo India Services Pvt. Ltd Vs Union of India (Bombay High Court) 1. Petitioner is impugning four orders all dated 13th April 2022 passed by respondent no.3 in the appeals that petitioner had filed. 2 Petitioner had, as required under Section 85 of the Finance Act, 1994 read with Section 35F of the Central Excise […]
Delhi High Court held that a suit, which contemplates urgent interim relief, is excluded from the rigor of Section 12A(1) of the Commercial Courts Act, 2015. Thus, a plaintiff seeking to institute a suit involving urgent interim relief(s) is not required to exhaust the remedy of pre-institution mediation.
Due Diligence widely defined as a broad synapsis of investigative procedures in relation to an acquisition /financing of a company’s shares or a joining joint venture project,. Jurisprudence of due diligence is closely associated with concept of notice which can be constructive, or implied.
ITAT Delhi held that processing fees for purchase of business assets is allowable as deduction as the loan has been taken for purchase of assets which are used for the business of the assessee.
ITAT Chennai held that claim of depreciation and other related expenses is allowed to the company as the cars, registered in the name of directors, are used for the purpose of business.
ITAT Delhi held that AO duly accepted foreign exchange gain offered to taxation in earlier Assessment Year, hence AO cannot disallow foreign exchange loss assuming it to be a contingent loss in the year under consideration.
CBDT notifies CBDT notifies Teacher Retirement System of Texas as pension fund under sub-clause (iv) of clause (c) of the Explanation 1 to clause (23FE) of section 10 of Income-tax Act, 1961 vide Notification No. 119/2022 – (Income-Tax) Dated: 31st October, 2022. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) (CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECT TAXES) New Delhi Notification No. […]
Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Areca Nut, Gold and Silver vide Notification No. 91/2222-CUSTOMS (N.T.) | Dated: 31st October, 2022. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) (CENTRAL BOARD OF INDIRECT TAXES AND CUSTOMS) New Delhi Notification No. 91/2222-CUSTOMS (N.T.) | Dated: 31st October, 2022 S.O. 5078(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred […]