Various communication and outreach initiatives to spread financial and tax literacy awareness among masses The Government has launched a series of communication and outreach products aimed at spreading financial and tax literacy awareness among masses. This was stated by Union Minister of State for Finance Shri Pankaj Chaudhary in a written reply to a question […]
Minister stated that during FY 2021-22, 1,67,080 companies were registered as compared to 1,55,377 in the previous year. Further, during FY 2020-21, 43,050 LLPs were registered as compared to 42,187 in previous year.
Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has issued Air Transport Circular (ATC)-01 of 2021 titled, ‘Unbundle of Services and fees by scheduled airlines’ as per which, some services like preferential seating have been allowed to be unbundled and charged separately from the travellers. Such unbundled services are provided on “opt-in” basis by Airlines and are […]
Drones offer tremendous benefits to almost all sectors of the economy. These include – agriculture, vaccine delivery, surveillance, search and rescue, transportation, mapping, defence and law enforcement to name a few.
Held that deliberate concealment relating to mis-declaration of the goods and overvaluing with the intention to avail higher duty drawback is untenable
Held that the assessee has secured the license right to use the know-how for the period of the agreement and the royalty expenditure in this regard is therefore revenue in nature.
Held that a Financial Debt is a debt alongwith interest which is disbursed against the consideration for the time value of money. Earnest money doesn’t satisfy the essential condition of financial debt and accordingly categorized as other creditor.
Held that activity of cricket by the club cannot be said to be in the nature of trade or business.
Explore implications of violating Section 12(3) of the Companies Act, 2013. Delve into an order under section 454 and penalties imposed for non-compliance.
GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN COMMERCIAL TAXES DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION Jaipur, dated 2 Aug, 2022 (Under Clause 6(4) of Amnesty Scheme for goods not subsumed in GST) In exercise of the powers conferred by clause 6(4) of FD notification No. F.12(11) FD/Tax/2022-104 dated 23.02.2022 with respect to Amnesty Scheme for goods not subsumed in GST, I, Dr. Ravi […]