If you want to sell your house property there are certain income tax implications that will help you to save your tax and help to build a better decision about selling your house. 1. If a property is sold within three years of buying it, any profit from the transaction is treated as a short-term […]
This is my 1st article and I covered very interesting topic ‘Old Vs New Tax regime‘ because after becoming Chartered accountant my relatives and friends ask which tax regime they should choose. Here we covered the following points – 1. Applicability 2. Tax Rate Structure 3. Exemptions & Deductions 4. Other Points 1. Applicability :- […]
Case Analysis on Cairn v. India: International Commercial Arbitration with special reference to United Kingdom-India Bilateral Investment Treaty Background On January 20th 2012, the Supreme Court of India gave its verdict in the Vodafone case. The case was regarding tax invasion in regards to capital gains in lieu of sale of shares. The court held […]
Attention students Study material of Executive and Professional Programme Students may please note that Study Material of Executive and Professional Programme is under process for dispatch. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic, the logistic is totally halted for which actual delivery may get delayed. Till then you may please refer the soft copy of […]
It’s been a year of this Global Pandemic and a year of the hot discussion of MSME too. Although, the MSME is an older concept but it took a high rise in the discussions when lot of businesses were getting disrupted due to Covid-19. Some of the existing entities took this pandemic as an opportunity […]
Vide the said notification, the import policy for goods falling under HS Code 0713 with item description as Tur/Pigeon Peas (Cajanus Cajan); Moong [Beans of the SPP Vigna Radiata (L.) Wilczek] and Urad [Beans of the SPP Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper] is revised from Restricted to Free with immediate effect and for the period upto 31st October 2021.
Nowadays, the Business houses are entering into sale and lease back transaction of capital assets in order to meet the working capital requirement of the transaction. The Sale and lease back transaction needs to be carefully analysed to determine the correct tax implications. A humble attempt to list down the GST implication on sale and […]
Whenever Company has requirement of fund to enhance its business, it has two options – First- Owned Fund Second- Borrowed Fund ♦ OWNED FUND: (Sharing of ownership and control) 1. Equity Share Capital 2. Preference Share Capital 3. Debentures ♦ BORROWED FUND: (Interest Cost) 1. Financial Institutions 2. Commercial Banks 3. Inter Corporate Loan 4. […]
The Central Government introduced the Faceless Assessment Scheme to provide greater transparency, efficiency and accountability in Income Tax assessments. All provisions introduced under Faceless Assessment, under the Income Tax Act, 1961, are introduced to- (a) Eliminate the interface between the Assessing Officer and the assessee during the course of proceedings, to the extent that is […]
The winding up of a company is the last stage of a companies’ existence. It is the process by which the company is put to an end i.e. the process through which its corporate existence comes to an end, and it is finally dissolved. As per section 270 of the Companies Act, 2013 a company […]