To further strengthen the customer grievance redress mechanism in banks, it has been decided to put in place a comprehensive framework comprising of, inter-alia, enhanced disclosures by banks on customer complaints, recovery of cost of redress from banks for the maintainable complaints received against them in OBOs in excess of the peer group average,
Officers of CGST Ghaziabad Commissionerate conducted a series of searches on the various offices of Ghaziabad based firm and unearthed a fraud worth Rs 14.19 Cr.
The subject matter of challenge in the present writ application is to the Entry No.3(if) of the Notification No.11/217 -Central Tax (Rate) dated 28th June, 217 read with Para-2 of the said notification. It appears that the writ applicant has entered into an agreement with a developer, i.e., the fourth respondent herein with respect to a purchase of plot of land
M/S Sdb Diamond Bourse Vs Union Of India (Gujarat High Court) Mr.Vyas is right to a certain extent that the issues raised by the writ applicants before the ARA have been gone into by the Commissioner in the Order in Original. In other words, the Authority, in its order dated 16th July 2020, has adjudicated […]
Syed Jafar Abbas Vs Commercial Tax Officer (High Court Gujarat) The subject matter of challenge in the present writ application is to the impugned order dated 04.06.2020 cancelling the GST registration of the writ applicant w.e.f. 24.10.2018. We need not delve much into the facts of this litigation as the order impugned deserves to be […]
SEPC has recently submitted a representation to Hon’ble Minister of Finance Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman to take note of the concerns of the services sector and give the approval for release of SETS notification for the year 2019-20. Full text of their letter is as follows:- SERVICES EXPORT PROMOTION CONCUIL (Set by Ministry of Commerce and […]
Surat Mercantile Association & 5 Other(S) Vs Union Of India & 2 Other(S) (Gujarat High Court) 1. We have heard Mr. Vinay Shraff, the learned counsel assisted by Mr. Parth Shah, the learned counsel appearing for the writ applicants. 2. The subject matter of challenge in the present writ application is to the constitutional validity […]
CBIC has received representations from trade and field formations on certain issues faced in complying with the new requirements in accordance with CBIC Advisory No 02/2021 dated 14.01.2021 & Circular 55/2020-Customs dated 17.12.2020. In this regard, following clarifications are provided by the CBIC for the benefit of all concerned :
Supermax Personal Care Private Ltd Vs. DCIT (ITAT Mumbai) The facts on record clearly reveal that in Assessment Year 2012-13 the assessee had purchased new plant and machinery on which additional depreciation @20% is allowable. However, since the plant and machinery were put to use for a period of less than 180 days in Assessment […]
Constitution of Maharashtra Consumer Welfare Fund w.e.f. 1st July 2017 under Maharashtra Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017. Also Read- Constitution of Standing Committee under rule 97(4) of Maharashtra GST Rules, 2017 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Madam Cama Marg, Hutatma Rajguru Chowk, Mantralaya, Mumbai 400 032, dated the 27th January 2021 NOTIFICATION MAHARASHTRA GOODS AND SERVICES TAX […]