GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA (Department of Commercial Taxes) KARNATAKA GST AUDIT MANUL Office of the Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, “Vanija Therige Karyalaya” Bengaluru-560009 taxation is a sovereign power exercised by the state to realise revenue to enable it to discharge its obligations. HON’BLE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA, (Amrit Banaspati Co. Ltd. and Ors Vs State of Punjab […]
Vidyarthi Construction Private Limited Vs State of Bihar (Patna High Court) We are of the view that the impugned orders dated 29.10.2018, 31.7.2019, 7.8.2019, 24.7.2019 and 20.8.2019 passed by the Respondent No.3, the Joint Commissioner of Sate Taxes, Danapur Circle, East Circle, Muzaffarpur in Form ASMT-13 need to be quashed and set aside, for the […]
Reserve Bank of India has released today, the Discussion Paper on Revised Regulatory Framework for NBFCs- A Scale-Based Approach. Comments on the Discussion Paper are invited from NBFCs, market participants and other stakeholders within one month from this date.
a. All Cross Border Reinsurers (CBR) shall necessarily comply with the eligibility criteria as stipulated in Reg. 4 (1) of the IRDAI (Re-insurance) Regulations, 2018. b. Filing of application for allotment of FRN to CBR shall be commensurate with Re-insurance programme of the insurer, as submitted with the Authority in terms of the IRDAI (Re-Insurance) Regulations, 2018;
Union of India Vs A. F. Babu (Kerala High Court) By the impugned judgment, the learned Single Judge allowed the writ petition and directed the respondents in the writ petition to open an online portal to enable the first respondent to file the form GST TRAN-I electronically or to accept the same manually. Aggrieved by […]
SLP on penalty for borrowing above Rs. 20000 dismissed by Supreme Court in the case of Vasan Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. & Anr. Vs. Additional Commissioner Of Income Tax where unaccounted money of the financer routed by the director through accounts of Assessee. Introduction Supreme Court in Vasan Healthcare (P.) Ltd. [2021] 125 266 (SC) […]
Brahm (Alloys) Ltd. & Anr. Vs West Bengal Financial Corporation & Ors. (Culcutta High Court) HC held that Counsel for the respondents is justified in arguing that recovery of public money cannot wait indefinitely to suit the convenience of a particular borrower. In the present case, even the latest offer given by the concerned ARC, […]
Case No. MTR-11/2019 Mid-Term Review to review the product scope of definitive Anti-Dumping duty imposed on ‘Nylon Filament Yarn’ originating in or exported from European Union and Vietnam.
Applicability of Form GSTR-9: For FY 2019-20, those registered persons whose aggregate turnover in a financial year does not exceed Two Crore rupees and who have not furnished the annual return shall have the option to furnish the annual return. Provided that the said return shall be deemed to be furnished on the due date […]
Rakesh Kumar Gupta Vs Central Information Commission (Delhi High Court) High Court held that i) CPIO/PIOs cannot withhold information without reasonable cause; ii) A PIO/CPIO cannot be held responsible if they have genuinely rejected the information sought on valid grounds permissible under the Act. Mere difference of opinion on the part of CIC cannot lead […]