Code on Social Security, 2020 was introduced in Lok Sabha on 19th September 2020 vide Bill No. 121 of 2020 to withdraw the pending Code on Social Security, 2019 and to propose a fresh Bill, namely, the Code on Social Security, 2020. Code on Social Security, 2020 is expected to to amend and consolidate the […]
Exploring The Consitutiveness of The Words ‘Oppression’ And ‘Mismanagement’ (The Corporate Family Dispute Before NCLT) – In Context of Chapter XVI of The Companies Act, 2013 The law relating to prevention of oppression & mismanagement is enshrined under chapter XVI of the Companies Act, 2013 Section 241 of the Act confers upon the members of […]
However, the new revamped form 26AS will, in addition to these, also contain information which the Income Tax Department has obtained from various other sources such as Banking Company, Insurance Company, other listed Company, property registrar, GST department etc.
The issue under consideration is whether the addition made on imputing interest on outstanding receivable from associated enterprises as its separate international transaction and its determination of ALP is justified in law?
KEC International Ltd. Vs. DCIT (ITAT Mumbai) In this case The undisputed position that emerges are that the advances have been given by the assessee to an entity in which it held 50% share. The assessee has entered into a Joint Venture (JV) agreement with an entity namely Edison Jehamo Power (PTY) Ltd. (EJP) on […]
SEBI had placed the formats for Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting, for public consultation on its website on August 18, 2020, seeking comments by September 18, 2020. In view of the impact of the CoVID-19 pandemic, it has been decided to extend the timelines for seeking public comments to October 18, 2020. The comments may […]
Digital Accounting Assurance Board of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) invites comments on the following exposure drafts of Forensic Accounting and Investigation Standards (FAIS):
An offline tool has been made available to the taxpayers to match Input Tax Credit (ITC), as auto populated in their Form GSTR-2B, with their purchase register. This tool will help the taxpayer to compare their ITC as per their Purchase Register, with the ITC as shown available in their auto drafted Form GSTR-2B and thus help them to claim correct ITC, while filing Form GSTR-3B.
Aditya Khanna Vs DDIT (ITAT Delhi) The Income-tax in relation to any country includes Income-tax paid in any part of the country or a local authority. It applies to cases where in a federal structure a citizen is made to pay federal Income-tax and also the State income tax. The Income-tax in relation to any […]