SEBI had placed the formats for Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting, for public consultation on its website on August 18, 2020, seeking comments by September 18, 2020.
In view of the impact of the CoVID-19 pandemic, it has been decided to extend the timelines for seeking public comments to October 18, 2020.
The comments may be provided in the following format:
Name of the person/entity proposing comments: | ||||
Sr. No. | Recommendation in the business responsibility and sustainability reporting format to which the comment pertains |
Com ment | Rationale for the comment | Revisions to the recomm endations, if any |
The comments may be sent by email to Ms. Amy Durga Menon, Deputy General Manager, at [email protected] and Ms. Ishita Sharma, Manager, at [email protected], no later than October 18, 2020.
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