Background: SEBI formed a committee on corporate governance in June 2017 under the Chairmanship of Mr. Uday Kotak with a view to enhancing the standards of corporate governance of listed entities in India. The committee comprised of stalwarts from diverse fields viz. the government, industry, professional bodies, stock exchanges, academicians, lawyers, proxy advisors, etc. The […]
The Secretary, Corporate Affairs has constituted a Committee for finalizing the Business Responsibility Reporting (BRR) Format for Listed and unlisted companies based on the BRR Framework of the updated NVGs.
In re TATA Motors Ltd. (GST AAR Jharkhand) Preventive Health Check-up is a preliminary investigation process for diagnosis of illness. Hence it is covered by the definition of Health Care Services and accordingly not chargeable to GST. FULL TEXT OF ORDER OF AUTHORITY OF ADVANCE RULING, JHARKHAND Note: Under Section 100 of the JGST Act […]
In re IL & FS Education and Technology Services Limited (GST AAAR Odisha) We notice that the Authority for Advance Ruling. Odisha, in their findings (para 5 3 of the Order)has clearly observed that OKCL was promoted by the Higher Technical education department Govt of Odisha and was incorporated under the Compares Act 1956 as […]
Ministry has came up with Rules with respect to National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA). The rules will come into force on the date of Notification in Official Gazette. Reading this article, you will come to know Applicability of these Rules and How Disciplinary Powers have been segregated between NFRA and ICAI now.
Transaction charges paid to National Multi Commodity Exchange of India (NMCE) was clearly in the course of commodity business and thus, assessee was entitled to claim such expenditure as ‘business expenditure’.
Religious institutions like temples, churches, mosques, which were not financed/funded by government did not fall within the purview of Right to Information Act, 2005. However, it is desirable to amend the Act at least to bring in its fold all the registered temples/institutions having income over and above a particular limit, to furnish information so as to have a greater vigil with respect to utilization of the monies, conducting affairs transparently and to achieve the objects of the RTI Act.