Deductee can view TDS certificate (only non-salary TDS certificate i.e. Form 16A) online by logging into Form 26AS. From financial year 2011-12, it is mandatory for companies and banks to issue Form 16A downloaded from TIN Website and issue only such downloaded Form 16A to deductees. The other categories of deductors may also exercise this option for for issuing Form 16A to its deductees.
A Company is run by Board of Directors and officers of the Company. They have been appointed by Shareholders of the Company. The true owner is the Shareholders of the Company, who have exercise their rights through meeting of members.
Most of us must have borrowed at some point in life whether it is friendly borrowings from friends and relatives or whether it is a home loan from a financial institution. In this article, I shall discuss the tax benefits available in respect of such loans.
Article explains Law related to residency in India & role of exemption under Dependent Personal Service (‘DPS’) when a person is providing services in more than one country
Conveying the definition but not the intent, how do you do that government’s way? Bitterly easy, introduce the concepts of Composite and Mixed Supply under Section 8 of Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (‘the Act’). The present piece provide a discussion over the application of these concepts in transactions which by their nature involves more than one element of supply.
Under the equity/debt mutual funds, you invest a fixed sum of money in a scheme either every month or quarter. When you’re investing in a particular mutual fund, the first thing you need to do to assess its returns is to know how it will be taxed. It is the post tax returns that will […]
McDonald’s India case: Section 14A of the Income-tax Act, 1961 will not apply if no exempt income has been received or receivable during the previous year in question
The Income-tax Department, Mumbai invites applications from qualified Chartered Accountant Firms (within the meaning of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949) for empanelment as Special Auditors for the F.Y. 2018-19 and 2019-20, to carry out audit in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 142(2A) of the LT. Act, 1961.
The companies which produce products covered under excise even after July 1st, 2017 will continue to furnish the information in the same format provided by the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Amendment Rules, 2017. The companies having their products or services covered under GST may follow the guidance provided in this advisory.
A question which is coming in the mind of Taxpayers nowadays is do Rebate of income-tax under section 87A as available from FY 2013-14, also available for FY 2015-16 and subsequent years. One more question which comes to mind is amount of Rebate Available, i.e is it Rs. 2000/- or Rs. 5000/- for Financial Year 2015-16?