Representation on issue of notice for intimating discrepancies in return – GST ASMT-10 Rule 99(1)- Mismatch of Input Tax Credit claimed in GSTR 3B and Input Tax Credit available in form GSTR 2A.
Section 29 read with Rule 20 to 22 deals with cancellation of registration. As per section 29(1) of CGST Act, registration can be cancelled either by the officer suo moto or on filing an application for cancellation. In this article, we are only discussing about the procedures when an application for cancellation is made by the registered person.
Since last two months we have witnessed some advance rulings which have created panic in the trade and industry. We have already expressed our reservations on few rulings with a detailed write up earlier. Here we attempt to summarize few of such rulings along with our comments in brief.
What is Bond ETF? We all are aware about both the terminology used above i.e. Bond and ETF. Bond as we know is an instrument of investment which provides us the fix coupon rate of return over the period of certain time. On the other hand ETF stands for Exchange Traded Fund, the fund which […]
The income tax department has released E-filing utilities of ITR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 for AY 2018-19. These are available at for e-Filing. ITR 6 is not yet released and the same is expected to be available in coming few days.
These Tax Appeals involved two assessees but the facts being closely similar, the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal had dealt with the departments appeals by a common judgment, which is impugned in these Tax Appeals
Declaration made by the petitioner under the Voluntary Compliance Encouragement Scheme, 2013 has been rejected in terms of the order impugned in the writ petition on the ground that they have not submitted the amended declaration in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Circular No. 170/5/2013-ST dated 8.8.2013. As per the said circular, in a […]
The assessee’s connection is not correct as the information available with this office that the assessee trust has deposited cash of Rs. 33,97,775/- in the Bank Account. Further, if at all any cash transaction has been done that issue will be examined at the time of re-assessment proceedings. A.O. made satisfaction and recorded reason that I have reason to believe that cash deposited in bank by the trust, ought to have brought to has escaped the assessment within the meaning of section 147 of the I.T. Act.
Writ of prohibition restraining the respondents fromgiving effect to the notices issued for assessment dated 22nd May, 1987, notices for penalty dated 4th August, 1987 and notices for launching of prosecution dated 31st July, 1987 all under the Wealth Tax Act, 1957 (Wealth Tax Act); and
Ajith A.R. Vs State Tax Officer (Kerala High Court) Petitioner seeks release of the goods detained by the first respondent under Section 129 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act as also the Kerala State Goods and Services Tax Act. 2. It is seen that an identical matter has been disposed of by a […]