The comprehensive GST regime intends to subsume most indirect taxes under a single taxation regime. In India GST will be value added tax levied across goods and services by both center and state on a common base.
Following MAJOR Forms are required to be filed under The Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA), 2010 (All the below given forms are to be filed online only)
All concerned are hereby informed that the Revised Scheme of Education and Training for CA course will come into effect from 1st July, 2017. Students who are eligible to register in the CPT/ IIPCC/ Final under the existing scheme, may register on or before 30th June, 2017.
Value for supply of goods and services is important part of GST. For valuing any goods or services is subject matter of discussion and contentious in nature . Value means price of any goods or service on which tax to be imposed particularly when parties are related or distinct person. This has all been incorporated in Section 15 of the CGST Act,2017.
The GST Council in its meeting held in Srinagar (J&K) vide dated 18Th & 19th May 2017 finalized GST rates on Goods and Services and just after end of the meeting GST rate schedules were uploaded on the CBEC website. Since then lot of discussion on the positive or adverse impact of the GST rates are going on. The Govt. of India has also been regularly saying that GST rates will be revenue neutral rate as well as at par with the existing tax levy.
The draft Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017 have been placed on the Ministry’s website for suggestions/ comments.
Let’s look into the regulation framework to understand the specific requirements which need to be included in the Management Discussion and Analysis section and various practices adopted in Indian Corporate world, as well as, in other countries.
1. The works contract (Including any transfer of property in goods in the execution of contract) related to immovable property shall be treatedas supply of service. Works contract as well as sale of under construction apartment shall be subjected to GST.
Non-compete fee Incurred by IMPL is a capital expenditure which is in the nature of any other business or commercial rights and hence eligible for depreciation under the provisions of the Act. T
Every registered person shall keep and maintain a true and correct accounts & records at his principal place of business for a period of seventy-two months from the due date of furnishing of annual return for the year pertaining to such accounts and records.