India Inc should work for the July 1 roll out of the Goods and Services Tax , which would take the country into very exciting phase of tax administration, Finance Secretary Mr Ashok Lavasa said at an ASSOCHAM Managing Committee meeting in New Delhi today.
Government of Maharashtra hereby with effect from the 1st April 2017, amends the SCHEDULES ‘A’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ appended to the said. Act, namely :—8A Card swipe machines for merchant transactions. :- Nil%
1. These Regulations may be called the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Payment of Fees and Mode of Payment) (Amendment) Regulations, 2017. 2. They shall come into force with retrospective effect from March 6, 2017:
Government of Maharashtra hereby, with effect from 1st April 2017, amends the Government Notification, Finance Department No. VAT-1511/C.R.-57/Taxation-1, dated the 30th April 2011 as follows, namely
Value of goods obtained on job-work basis cannot be included into turnover of appellants. By excluding this value items manufactured by appellants comes below limit prescribed for S.S.I. Exemption.
Please find below the procedure for registration under GST. Before proceeding towards the procedural steps for registration under GST, lets go through its applicability:
France was the first country which introduced a comprehensive GST Regime in 1954. GST rates in various countries ranges from 5 per cent to 25 per cent. At present, GST has been adopted by more than 150 countries around the globe.
While the Agency Banks are to keep all their branches dealing with government business open on all days in the current financial year (including Saturday, Sunday and all holidays) as already advised, these branches need not be kept open on April 1, 2017.
Exposure Draft of Annual Improvements to Ind AS Standards 2014-2016 Cycle, issued by Accounting Standards Board of ICAI, for comments.
Following is Exposure Draft of Appendix B of Ind AS 21, Foreign Currency Transaction and Advance Consideration, issued by Accounting Standards Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, for comments.