In supersession of Board’s letter F.No.278A/34/2014- Legal dated 20.01.2015, the President of India is pleased to appoint a fresh panel of Sr./Jr. Standing Counsels of CBEC to handle litigation of indirect Taxes before various High Courts and other fora, in terms of Instructions RN. 278A/43/2007-Legal dated 05.12.2007 as per following details for a term of three years from the date of issue of this order.
it is clarified that all Other Cast Articles of Iron or Steel failing under the four digit ITC(HS) Code- 7325 whether malleable or non- malleable are eligible for FPS under the entry at serial no. 279 of Appendix 37 D as revised vide Public Notice no. 52 dated 25.02.2014.
In one of the recent judgments of Delhi High Court (Division Bench), the court while disposing the WP(C) No. 2235/2011 and WP(C)2971/2011 in the matter of Suresh Kumar Bansal and Anuj Goyal v. Union of India has held that Service Tax on flats can not be levied on composite contracts.
Upon the notification of Public Warehousing Licensing Regulations, 2016 / Private Warehouse Licensing Regulations, 2016 / Special Warehouse Licensing Regulations, 2016, a need has been felt to review the process of application for a warehouse licence and the form used for the same.
The general public is hereby cautioned to deal with only SEBI registered investment advisers and research analysts for availing investment advisory services/ research services. The details of SEBI registered investment advisers and research analysts are available on the SEBI website
Explore the clarifications on the simplified procedure for Form 15G & 15H under section 197A of the Income-tax Act. Stay informed with Notification No. 9/2016 issued by the Government of India.
Arjun: Who can participate in Income Declaration Scheme 2016 (IDS) introduced under Finance Act, 2016 by the Indian Government? Krishna: Following is a list of people, – Every Indian Resident who is guilty of his practices of tax evasion and wants to confess the same.
Notification no. 32/2016-ST, 33/2016-ST and 34/2016-ST dated 6th June, 2016 has amended the position of senior advocates under Service Tax. The impact of these amendments is summarized as below:
Central Board of Excise and Customs, hereby makes the following further amendment in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue No. 61/94-Customs (N.T), dated the 21th November, 1994, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide number S.O. 828 (E), dated the 21th November, 1994, namely:-
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (c) of subsection (1) of the Maharashtra Tax Laws (Levy, Amendment and Validation) Act. 2016 (Mah. XV of 2016), the Government of Maharashtra hereby appoints the 10th June 2016 to be the date on which the provisions of Sub-section (1) of Section 10 of the said Act, shall come into force.