This tax calculator has been made with the information available to me. I don’t claim this to be 100% accurate. This tax calculator can be used for tax planning to calculate the approximate tax payable by salaried individuals. This should NOT be used to compute the actual taxes to be paid to the Government. The author is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the tax computed by this calculator. If you find any inconsistency/ inaccuracy, please let me know and I will try to fix it at the earliest.
‘Sale in transit’ (subsequent sale) under Section 6(2) of Central Sales Tax (CST) Act 1956 has become ‘an apparatus of harassment’ for the suppliers of the goods (manufactures or dealers). The State Revenue Assessing Officers are enjoying this tool by imposing taxes and penalties by treating it as ‘pre-determined’ sale under Section 3(a) instead of 3(b) of Central Sale Tax Act, 1956; even the suppliers (manufactures or dealers) produce relevant documents and declarations, prescribed in this Act for such transactions.
HC held that the principles of compensatory measure may apply where the legislature is silent about entitlement of interest on refund of the tax amount, which is already paid by the Assessee. Thus, by considering interest by way of a compensatory measure
Success of an interview is totally dependent on you. In most of the part of your professional lives you will face many interviews. Facing and to succeed the interview requires both the knowledge and skills. With proper preparation and by following some basic guidelines you can crack most of the interviews.
Services provided by the Builders/ Developers is not taxable prior 01st July 2010. It is taxable from 1st July 2010 onwards as per CBEC circular No. 108/02/2009-ST. Service tax is applicable on under construction property at the time of bookings/agreements made before the construction completes. Is the Flats/Apartments / Villas is given to land owners by a real estate company then service tax is also applicable on such unit.
Earlier the provisions of Annual Return were governed under Section 159,160,161, 162 & Schedule V of the Act, 1956 where as now the all the sections are merged into one hut under Section 92 of the Act, 2013 excluding format for the same which is provided in Form No. MGT-7 prescribed in Rule 11 of the Companies (Management & Administration) Rules, 2014.
As per Section 2(31) of Companies Act, 2013,deposit includes any receipt of money by way of depositor loan or in any other form by a company, but does not include such categories of amount as may be prescribed in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India.
In AY 1994-15, the assessee (Sarita Aggarwal) had shown credit of Rs.2,60,000/- in the capital account under the narration Gift. The Assessing Officer disbelieved the claim and made an addition of the aforesaid amount to the income as declared, holding that the assessee was unable to establish genuineness of the gift.
Whether assessee has defaulted in payment in payment of additional amount of income-tax payable on the income disclosed in the original application and provision of section 245D (2C) can be invoked in such circumstances.
The predominant activities of the centre was not to earn income but to provide facilities for disseminating or exchanging knowledge as per the object of the society The dominant object of the assessee is definitely for the well being of public at large by organizing various seminars for