Fewer opportunities for the profession will definitely going to pose challenges to both individual Chartered Accountants and to their regulator, the Institute of Chartered Accountants Of India. There is a phenomenal growth of Chartered Accountants in the last one decade and a new trend is shaping up that a considerable number of members have been taken up employment in preference to practice on account of opportunities and the best payout in the industry.
To check Insider trading, R 8(1) of the Regulations states that the Board of Directors of every listed company shall lay down and publish on its official website, a code of practices and procedures for fair disclosure of unpublished price sensitive information that would be followed to adhere to each of the principles laid down in Schedule A to the Regulations, without diluting the provisions of these regulations in any manner.
Instructions have been issued from time to time with regard to the need to observe punctuality by Government servants. Responsibility for ensuring punctuality in respect of their employees rests within Ministries/ Departments/ Offices.
In this whole article, I will be discussing about practical aspects of Rule 6 of CEVR, 2000. This Rule comes into play when Price is not the sole consideration. But before talking about Rule 6, I will be discussing with my readers, what is the general provisions.