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Archive: 19 May 2012

Posts in 19 May 2012

Courts should not interfere in policy matters of State unless policy violates mandate of Constitution

May 19, 2012 8729 Views 0 comment Print

Division Benches of this Court in Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Vs. UOI ILR (1974) Del 847 and Peoples Union for Democratic Rights Vs. Ministry of Home Affairs ILR (1987) Del 235 have held that where the power to do or not to do a thing is optional and discretionary and there is no statutory obligation, direction to the Executive to do a particular thing cannot be given even where matter is of public importance.

Interest U/s. 234A to 234C Not Payable If Assessment Order Silent

May 19, 2012 2670 Views 0 comment Print

Even if any provision of law is mandatory and provides for charging of tax or interest, the view taken in CIT vs. Ranchi Club Ltd 247 ITR 209 (SC) is that such charge by the assessing officer should be specific and clear and assessee must be made to know that the assessing officer has applied its mind and has ordered charging of interest. The mandatory nature of charging of interest and the actual charging of interest by application of mind and the mention of the proviso of law under which such interest is charged are two different things.

DEPB Income Eligible for Deduction U/s. 80HHC irrespective of Turnover

May 19, 2012 915 Views 0 comment Print

In the instant appeal, there are total three grounds. Ground No. 3 is general in nature. Ground Nos. 1 and 2 raises the same issue. Both impugn the directions issued by Ld. CIT (A) to the AO to re-compute the deduction u/s 80HHC in accordance with the decision of Hon’ble Special Bench of ITAT Mumbai in the case of Topman Exports 318 ITR 87 in view of the fact that the above decision has been reversed by the Hon’ble Bombay High Court on 29.6.2010.

List of CA/CMA Selected For Empanelment In Service Tax Commissionerate, New Delhi

May 19, 2012 2368 Views 0 comment Print

List Of CAs/CMAs Who Have Been Selected For Empanelment In Service Tax Commissionerate, New Delhi For Special Audit Under Section 14AA Of Central Excise Act, 1944

No deduction u/s 54B if Assessee purchases agricultural land in son & daughter-in-laws name

May 19, 2012 6252 Views 0 comment Print

It is noticed that the appellant-assess sold the agricultural land, which was mutated in his name, for a sale consideration of Rs. 1,61,09,100/-. Thereafter out of the selling price, the appellant-assessee purchased land in the name of his son and daughter-in-law for a total consideration of Rs. 1,22,71,440/-. It is relevant to note that the land sold was in the name of appellant-assessee, while the land purchased was in the name of his son and daughter-in-law.7. A bare reading of Section 54B of the Income Tax Act does not suggest that assessee would be entitled to get exemption for the land purchased by him in the name of his son and daughter-in-law.

Sub Contractor not responsible for TDS u/s 194C(2)

May 19, 2012 7946 Views 0 comment Print

In terms of the provisions of section 194C(2) as clarified by the Board vide its Circular No. 715, dated 8-8-1995, conditions to be satisfied are (i) that the assessee should be a contractor, (ii) that the assessee should enter into a contract with a sub-contractor, (iii) that the sub-contractor should carry out any part of the work undertaken by the contractor and (iv) that the payment should be made for the work done. In a case, when a ‘contract’ is assigned, generally the clauses are stringent that the contractor is to be responsible for all the acts and defaults committed.

Key Income Tax amendments in Finance Bill 2012

May 19, 2012 2336 Views 0 comment Print

• Benefit of reduced tax rate of 10 percent on long term capital gain arising from sale of unlisted securities has been extended to all non-residents in parity with Foreign Institutional Investors. • Benefit of capital gains tax exemption has been extended to sale of unlisted securities in an initial public offering. However, a securities transaction tax at the rate of 0.2 percent will be payable on such a transaction.

Key Indirect Tax amendments in Finance Bill 2012

May 19, 2012 1379 Views 0 comment Print

Customs -• The rigour of the prosecution provisions originally proposed to be introduced under the Customs Act has been diluted in the following manner: – Only serious offences under the customs law involving prohibited goods or duty evasion exceeding INR 5 million has been retained as ‘cognizable offences’ as opposed to a broader criterion proposed (viz., any offence punishable for a term of imprisonment of three years or more) under the original Finance Bill;

Excel Tips – Moving to the Last (or First) Cell in a Range

May 19, 2012 1972 Views 0 comment Print

Using keyboard shortcuts To move to the last (or first) cell in a range: • Vertically from top to bottom, press Ctrl+Down Arrow. • Vertically from bottom to top, press Ctrl+Up Arrow. • Horizontally from left to right, press Ctrl+Right Arrow. • Horizontally from right to left, press Ctrl+Left Arrow.

An Overview of e-TDS & e-TCS

May 19, 2012 9834 Views 0 comment Print

TCS means collection of tax at source by the seller (collector) from the buyer (collectee/payee) of the goods (specified u/s 206C of Income-tax Act, 1961, like timber obtained under forest lease, scrap, any other forest produce not being timber or tendu leaves etc.,). For e.g. if purchase value of goods is Rs.10,000/-, the buyer will pay an amount of Rs.10,000/- + X (X being the value of TCS as prescribed under Income-tax Act, 1961) to the seller. The seller will deposit the tax collected at source (TCS) at any of the designated branches of the authorised banks.

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