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Archive: 02 December 2009

Posts in 02 December 2009

Investors can buy and sell mutual funds units like shares from 07th December 2009

December 2, 2009 1084 Views 0 comment Print

Investors will be able to transact in mutual funds units through the National Stock Exchange (NSE) from Monday. UTI Mutual Fund will be the first fund house to use the NSE’s mutual fund platform, which would enable exchange’s members to use its existing infrastructure for transaction in MF schemes.

Interest subsidy on education loan to student from weaker section

December 2, 2009 22156 Views 172 comments Print

Ministry of Human Resource Development has proposed to introduce a scheme for full interest subsidy during the period of moratorium on loans taken by students belonging to economically weaker sections from the banks under the Education Loan Scheme of the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) for pursuing any of the approved courses of studies in technical and professional streams from recognised institutions in India.

Merely because liability is outstanding for the last six years, it cannot be presumed that the same has ceased to exist

December 2, 2009 682 Views 0 comment Print

After hearing learned counsel for the appellant and going through the mpugned order, we do not find any merit in the instant appeal. It is the conceded position that in the assessee’s balance sheet, the aforesaid liabilities have been shown, which are payable to the sundry creditors. Such liabilities, shown in the balance sheet, indicate the acknowledgment of the debts payable by the assessee. Merely because such liability is outstanding for the last six years, it cannot be presumed that the said liabilities have ceased to exist. It is also conceded position that there is no bilateral act of the

Banks may seek time beyond the March 2011 to shift to IFRS

December 2, 2009 844 Views 0 comment Print

Banks’ association says the process needs a huge effort. Banks may seek time beyond the March 2011 deadline to shift to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in view of the mammoth effort required for the switover, according to industry sources.The Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) today said its management committee last week discussed the implications of the convergence.

RBI rejected appointment of auditing firm PwC as auditors for commercial banks

December 2, 2009 1093 Views 0 comment Print

The government today said the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had not approved appointment of financial consultancy and auditing firm PwC as auditors for commercial banks from the financial year 2009-10 in the wake of alleged irregularities on its part in the Satyam fraud. “After reporting of alleged irregularities on the part of auditors of Satyam Computer, RBI has not approved appointment of PwC as statutory auditor in the scheduled commercial banks from the financial year 2009-10,” Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee told the Rajya Sabha.

Unlicenced moneylenders can’t recover their money by using legal ways

December 2, 2009 6782 Views 0 comment Print

Lack of a licence will debar a moneylender from using legal ways to secure repayment, said Justice P R Borkar of the Aurangabad bench of the high court last week. The Negotiable Instruments Acta law that bounced cheque victims use to recover their money makes it clear that the debt had to be legally enforceable.

SEBI Circular on Limitation period for filing of Arbitration reference

December 2, 2009 3912 Views 0 comment Print

Based on the recommendations of the SMAC, it has now been decided that the limitation period of six months shall be computed from the end of the quarter during which the disputed transaction( s) were executed. Along with the exclusion mentioned under para (2) above and subject to sufficient documentary proof, the period of one month from the date of receipt of complaint/claim/ difference/ dispute by the trading member or the actual time taken by the trading member from the date of receipt of complaint/claim/ difference/ dispute by the trading member to the date of receipt of the trading member’s last communication by the investor, to resolve / counter the complaint / claim/ difference/ dispute, whichever ends earlier, shall also be excluded.

CBDT issues clarification on procedure for remittances abroad by diplomatic missions

December 2, 2009 1280 Views 0 comment Print

The Government has clarified that while remitting consular receipts abroad, diplomatic missions in India will be required to submit only a self certified undertaking in Form No 15CA to the remitter bank and they are not required to obtain a certificate from an accountant / certificate of Assessing officer in Form 15CB. A circular No.9 of 2009 to this effect was issued by Central Board of Direct Taxes, here today.

Safeguard the Constitution and its values – Mukul Wasnik

December 2, 2009 366 Views 0 comment Print

“The vision and values of the Constitution are facing challenges. It is up to us to safeguard the Constitution and its values from such challenges. As has been said the Constitution has not failed us. We have to ensure that we do not fail the Constitution”, said Shri Mukul Wasnik, the Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment while welcoming Shri K. G. Balakrishnan, Chief Justice, who delivered the Ambedkar Memorial lecture on ‘Constitutional Values and the Promotion of Labour Welfare’, here today.

ICAI president message on Environment Audit, Social Audit, KYC norms, GST, Corporate Forum, ICAI Elections, etc.

December 2, 2009 768 Views 0 comment Print

The ‘green shoots’ of economic revival are now truly maturing – at least from the Indian perspective – and are showing fruits of the labours of the government and regulators. Recovery is gaining in strength across the globe albeit at a slow pace while in India the stimulus packages are cranking the economic engine.

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