RELAXATION IN CUT-OFF DATE The actual cut-off date for acceptance of Registration Applications relating to Executive Programmefor appearing in one module in December, 2009 Session of Examinations is 31st May, 2009. However, in view of the fact that the said date is falling on an official holiday (Sunday),the next working day i.e. 1st June, 2009 will […]
Income Tax Department has introduced a scheme for centralized processing of annual income-tax returns which envisages no interface with the tax payer and processing of returns to be done in an automated jurisdiction-less manner. Implementation of such scheme requires having a robust system for information relating to payment of TDS and TCS so that the credit for TDS and TCS can be granted accurately and the risk of financial fraud is minimized.
The Satyam fraud case is top priority of the government, and the investigating agency, the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO), has been asked to put the prosecution on fast track, Minister of State for Corporate Affairs (independent charge) Salman Khurshid said here Friday. “The case is required to be put on the fast track so […]
While considering an appeal filed by a student of the Chartered Accountants Examination under the Right to Information Act, 2005, the Central Information Commission recently ordered for supply of certified copies of the answer sheets of a student concerned which was also later confirmed by the Learned Single Judge of Hon’ble Delhi High Court in respect of a Petition filed by the Institute. Consequently, queries are being received by the Institute about the supply of answer sheets.