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Archive: 14 May 2003

Posts in 14 May 2003

Coverage of products under the duty free import entitlement for service providers

May 14, 2003 328 Views 0 comment Print

Spirits and vinegar covered under Chapter 22 of the ITC (HS) Classification or seafood items ( both processed and semi processed) are permitted to be imported under this duty free entitlement for service providers as per para 3.8 of the Export Import Policy ( as amended on 31.03.2003).

Notification No. 46/2003-Central Excise (N.T.) Dated 14-5-2003

May 14, 2003 337 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 37 of the Central Excise Act, 1944 (1 of 1944), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2002

Notification No. 45/2003 Central Excise (N.T.), Dated: 14.05.2003

May 14, 2003 394 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (3) of rule 19 of the Central Excise Rules, 2002, the Central Government hereby directs that each of the notifications of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), specified in column (2) of the Table hereto annexed

Notification No. 44/2003-Central Excise (N.T.), Dated: 14.05.2003

May 14, 2003 295 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 18 of the Central Excise Rules, 2002, the Central Government hereby directs that each of the notifications of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), specified in column (2) of the Table hereto annexed, shall be further amended

Notification No. 06/2003-ST, dated 14-05-2003

May 14, 2003 537 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the power conferred by section 93 of the finance Act, 1994 (32 of 94) (herein after referred to as the said Act), the Central Government, being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No. 59/98-ST, dated the 16th October, 1998, namely.

Notification No. 05/2003-ST, dated 14-05-2003

May 14, 2003 538 Views 0 comment Print

May 14, 2003 Notification No. 5/2003 – Service Tax In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (ee) of sub-section (2) of section 94 of the Finance Act, 1994 (32 of 1994), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, further to amend the Service Tax Credit Rules, 2002, except as respect things done or […]

Notification No. 04/2003-ST, dated 14-05-2003

May 14, 2003 447 Views 0 comment Print

May 14, 2003 Notification No. 4/2003 – Service Tax In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with sub-section (2) of section 94, of the Finance Act, 1994 (32 of 1994), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, further to amend the Service Tax Rule, 1994, except as respect things done or […]

Public Notice No. 8 /2002-07, Dated: 14.05.2003

May 14, 2003 523 Views 0 comment Print

The financial information given in the above statement is in agreement with the relevant register and records; the same has been incorporated in the books of accounts maintained by the Service provider; and is also true and correct.

Anti-dumping Duty on Float Glass

May 14, 2003 256 Views 0 comment Print

The principal notification No. 7/2003- Customs, dated the 7th January, 2003 was published in the Gazette of India, vide number G.S.R. 14(E), dated the 7th January, 2003.

Rescinds the notifications No. 30/2003-Customs, dated: 01.03.2003

May 14, 2003 307 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Government, being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby rescinds the notifications of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Finance and Company Affairs (Department of Revenue), No. 30/2003-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2003, vide G.S.R. 165 (E), dated the 1st March, 2003, No. 34/2003-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2003, vide G.S.R. 169 (E), dated the 1st March, 2003, and No. 35/2003-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2003.

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