Circular No. 402/35/98-CX Kind attention is invited to Board”s instructions as contained in Circular No. 313/29/97-CX (F.No. 390/107/97-JC) dated 6.5.97 and as reiterated in Circular No. 332/48/97-CX dated 9.9.97 on the above subject.
Circular No. 401/34/98-CX The Government of has been concerned about the mounting litigations specially in CEGAT and apex court on carious issues concerning levy and collection of Customs and Central Excise duties and had been seriously examining steps to reduce such litigation. Thus, changes in the basic provisions of the law including rules, notifications and the tariff entries etc.
Circular No. 400/33/98-CX I am directed to draw your attention to notification No. 22/98-CE(NT) dated 4th June, 1998 (hereinafter referred to as the said notification) issued under the provisions of rule 174, superseding notification No. 13/92-CE (NT) dated 14.5.92. The provisions for exemption from registration under rule 174 and filing of a “declaration” remains the same as in the erstwhile notification 13/92-CE(NT), ibid, except the following changes that have been brought about by notification No. 22/98-CE (NT