Please refer to the Ministry’s earlier Circular No. 12/95-Cus. dated 20.2.95 and Circular No. 51/95-Cus. dated 24th May, 1995 regarding issue of Telegraphic Release Advice (TRA) for imports under DEEC Scheme. Some representations have been received form the trade circles complaining about delay in issue of TRA. Reasons cited for delay in the representations are that the Customs
Circular No. 157/68/95-CX I am directed to refer to the provisions of rule 57 G providing that the triplicate copy of the Bill of Entry shall be used for taking Modvat Credit. In this regard attention of the Board has been invited to the fact that consequent to the introduction of processing Bill of Entry on EDI system in the Deli Commissionarate, triplicate copy of the Bill of Entry is not being generated.
Circular No. 156/67/94-CX As you are aware, in pursuance of the Supreme Courts” directive for reducing litigation between the Deptt. of Revenue and PSUs, ect, litigation”s before CEGAT and Courts can be pursued only with the prior clearance of the High Powered Committee on Disputes constituted in the Cabinet Sectt. Those cases which are not considered fit for further litigation by the Committee cannot be pursued by the concerned appellants viz