I am directed to say that in the course of his recent visits to some of the Customs Houses Member (EP & Cus) had noticed Telegraphic Release Advance (TRAs) are being issued by the Licencing Section of the Customs Houses, without any reference to
Circular No. 100/11/95-CX I am directed to say the question of delegating the powers to the Principal Collectors of Customs and Central Excise to reconstitute the Regional Advisory Committees for Organised Sectors and also for Small Scale Industries, in the Central Excise Collectorates, has been under consideration of the Board for the past some time.
Circular No. 99/10/95-CX I am directed to say that while replying to a Parliament Question on sanction and disbursement of rewards, it has come to the notice of the Boards that there is considerable time lag between the date of sanction of the reward and the date of disbursement of reward.
Circular No. 98/9/95-CX I am directed to say that a number of complaints have been received from the trade circle to the effect that delay in clearance of AR4s. (under VBAL/QBAL) by the Central Excise officers, is adversely affecting the exports.