Banks are free to determine their savings bank deposit interest rate for resident Indians only with immediate effect subject to two conditions. First, each bank will have to offer a uniform interest rate on savings bank deposits up to Rs.1 lakh, irrespective of the amount in the account within this limit. Second, for savings bank deposits over Rs.1 lakh, a bank may provide differential rates of interest, if it so chooses, subject to the condition that banks will not discriminate in the matter of interest paid on such deposits, between one deposit and another of similar amount, accepted on the same date, at any of its offices.
It has been brought to the notice of Reserve Bank by Government of India that some persons are taking undue advantage of the said practice of banks of making payment of cheques/drafts/pay orders/banker’s cheques presented within a period of six months from the date of the instrument as these instruments are being circulated in the market like cash for six months
1. Web aggregator shall display the particulars of validity of approval obtained from the Authority on its web site. 2. Web aggregator shall state clearly and unequivocally that insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. 3. At no point of time of its functioning, a web aggregator shall have net worth below rupees ten lakhs. 4. At no point of time of its functioning, a web aggregator shall have referral arrangement with any Insurer or act as an insurance broker, corporate agent, microinsurance agent, TPA, Surveyor or a loss assessor.
Notification No. 504/2011 – Income Tax Information on tax matters is being sought by field officers of the Income Tax Department from countries/jurisdictions with which India has Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) or Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA) under the relevant ‘Exchange of Information’ Article of DTAA/TIEA through the office of competent authority viz. the Joint Secretary in the Foreign Tax & Tax Division, CBDT. Presently the above information is being sought obtained in a prescribed checklist/ proforma (copy enclosed as Annexure-A). Further in the case of U.K, for obtaining banking information, a separate proforma has been prescribed by U.K tax authorities (copy enclosed as Annexure-B).
It has also been decided to amend para 3.2.6 of Master Circular DBS. FrMC. BC. No. 1/23.04.001/2011-12 dated July 01, 2011 on ‘Frauds – Classification and Reporting’ and henceforth banks need not forward a copy of circular on modus operandi of frauds occurred issued to their branches to Reserve Bank of India, Fraud Monitoring Cell , Department of Banking Supervision, Central office. In place, banks may place the copy of the circular on modus-operandi of fraud issued to their branches before the audit committee of board in its periodical meetings.
A bank acting as sponsor of IDF–NBFC shall contribute a minimum equity of 30 per cent and maximum equity of 49 per cent of the IDF-NBFC. Since in terms of Section 19 (2) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, a bank cannot hold shares in excess of 30 per cent of the paid up share capital of a company, unless it is a subsidiary, Reserve Bank would, based on merits, recommend to the Government to grant exemption from the provisions of Section 19(2) of the Act, ( i.e. under Section 53 of the Act ibid) for investment in excess of 30 per cent and upto 49 per cent in the equity of the IDF-NBFC.
The Finance Minister had in his budget speech for the year 2011-2012 announced the setting up of Infrastructure Debt Funds (IDFs), to facilitate the flow of long-term debt into infrastructure projects. The IDF will be set up either as a trust or as a company. A trust based IDF would normally be a Mutual Fund (MF) while a company based IDF would normally be a NBFC. IDF- NBFC would raise resources through issue of either Rupee or Dollar denominated bonds of minimum 5 year maturity. The investors would be primarily domestic and off-shore institutional investors, especially insurance and pension funds which would have long term resources. IDF-MF would be regulated by SEBI while IDF-NBFC would be regulated by the Reserve Bank.
Minimum Export Price (MEP) of all varieties of onions excluding Bangalore Rose Onions and Krishnapuram Onions will be US$ 350 per Metric Ton F.O.B. It was US$ 475 per Metric Ton for general category onion as notified on 20.09.2011.For Bangalore Rose Onions and Krishnapuram Onions it will be US$ 400 per MT F.O.B instead of US$ 475 per MT as notified on 20.09.2011. Notification No 85 (RE – 2010)/2009-2014
With a view to widening the secondary market in Government Securities to more number of participants, it has been decided to extend direct access to NDS-OM to licensed Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs) and Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC-ND-SIs) falling under the purview of Section 45-I (c) (ii) of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Act, 1934 (i.e. NBFC-ND-SIs which carry on as their business or part of their business the activity of acquisition of shares, stock, bonds, debentures or securities issued by a Government or local authority or other marketable securities of a like nature). The financial criteria and other requirements for direct access to NDS-OM for the above entities are furnished in the Annex.
Notification No. 7/9/2011 – Income Tax Central Government hereby authorises the following 50 branches of Bank of India to receive, with immediate effect, subscriptions under the Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 and Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Rules, 2004:—