These special clearings are exclusively for Government receipts and is in addition to the normal clearing operations conducted on September 14, 2013 (Saturday).
the 17th March, 2012 was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) vide number G.S.R. 185(E), dated the 17th March, 2012, and was last amended vide notification No.41/2013- Customs, dated the 13th August, 2013, published vide number G. S. R.543 (E), dated the 13th August, 2013.
There are many taxpayers who have uploaded their Income Tax Returns electronically (without digital signature Certificate) for A.Y. 2011-12 [filed during F.Y. 2012-13] and for ITRs of A.Y. 2012-13 [filed on or after 1.4.2012], but have either not filed the corresponding ITR-V or have filed it with the local Income-tax office. ITR-V
G.S.R. (E).-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 (1 of 1944), the Central Government, on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Government of India
Ministry of Corporate Affairs issues Notification for Commencement of 98 Sections of the New Act- The Companies Act, 2013 as passed by the Parliament and assented to by the President of India is available on the Ministry of Corporate Affairs’ website at
It has been observed that some banks have introduced certain innovative Housing Loan Schemes in association with developers/builders, e.g. upfront disbursal of sanctioned individual housing loans to the builders without linking the disbursals to various stages of construction of housing project,
9A. Any services provided by, _ (i) the National Skill Development Corporation set up by the Government of India; (ii) a Sector Skill Council approved by the National Skill Development Corporation; (iii) an assessment agency approved by the Sector Skill Council or the National Skill Development Corporation;
Notify that the Form DP-1 shall be submitted online by all the dealers latest by 16-10-2013.
For the purposes of this sub-regulation, for the removal of doubts, it is clarified that the acts or omissions listed in this sub-regulation are not exhaustive and that an act or omission is prohibited if it falls within the purview of regulation 3, notwithstanding that it is not included in this sub-regulation or is described as being committed only by a certain category of persons in this sub-regulation.
In continuation to the Office Order No. CCA/DC(T)/2013-98 dated 2nd August 2013, and discussions with all CAs on 06.09.2013, the following directions are being issued for strict compliance.