THE UTTAR PRADESH GOODS AND SERVICES TAX ACT, 2017 (U.P. Act no. 1 of 2017) [As passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature] AN ACT to make a provision for levy and collection of tax on infra-State supply of goods or services or both by the State of Uttar Pradesh and the matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
It may be recalled that in terms of announcement made in the first Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement 2016-17 on April 5, 2016, it was, inter alia, proposed to redefine branches and permissible methods of outreach keeping in mind the various attributes of the banks and the types of services that are sought to be provided.
In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (2) of section 28 read with section 59 of the Prohibition of Benami Property Transactions Act, 1988 (45 of 1988), and in supersession of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Central Board of Direct Taxes, notification number S.O. 3290(E), dated the 25th October, 2016, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii), dated the 25th October, 2016
(I) file overdue returns in Form 8 and Form 11 up to the end of the financial year in which the limited liability partnership ceased to carry on its business or commercial operations before filing Form 24;
Seeks to amend notification no. 12/2012-customs dated 17.03.2012 extending the time period for furnishing the final Mega power project certificate from 60 months to 120 months and extending the period of validity of security in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt or Bank Guarantee from 66 months to 126 months, in case of provisional mega power projects
Seeks to amend Notification No. 101/2007 – Customs dated 11th September 2007 so as to notify the expanded schedule of tariff preferences under the India-Chile Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA).
Government has considered it necessary to make the following changes in the recommendations of the said Seventh Central Pay Commission in respect of the said categories of employees, namely:—
seeks to amend notification no. 12/2012-Central Excise dated 17.03.2012 extending the time period for furnishing the final Mega power project certificate from 60 months to 120 months and extending the period of validity of security in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt or Bank Guarantee from 66 months to 126 months, in case of provisional mega power projects.
Government of Maharashtra, hereby amends SCHEDULE ‘D’ appended to the said Act, with effect from the 17th May, 2017, as follows, namely :—
S.O.(E) In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the Foreign Traci( (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992), as amended, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 01 the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), 2015-2020, the Central Government hereby makes the amendments with immediate effect in List `A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ below Note 1 under Export Licensing Note of Chapter 31 of ITC(HS) Classification – Schedule 2 (Export Policy)