When a complaint is being heard by MahaRERA or an Adjudicating Officer of MahaRERA and the said authority is satisfied that there is a possibility of settlement by way of conciliation, then with the consent of both the parties involved, it may refer the complaint to a designated bench of the Maharashtra Conciliation and Dispute Resolution Forum.
UIDAI has clarified that EPFO may continue to avail Aadhaar based authentication services for the schemes for which notification under Section 7 of the Aadhaar Act, 2016 has been issued and duly published in the Official Gazette.
Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards – Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) – Final Guidelines- It has now been decided that the NSFR guidelines will come into effect from April 1, 2020.
In case of non-derivative forex transactions, while all inter-bank transactions shall be subject to LEI requirement, client transactions shall require LEI code for transactions involving an amount equivalent to or exceeding USD one million or equivalent thereof in other currencies.
It has been decided to relax the Minimum Holding Period (MHP) requirement for originating NBFCs, in respect of loans of original maturity above 5 years, to receipt of repayment of six monthly instalments or two quarterly instalments (as applicable), subject to the following prudential requirement:
It has been decided by the Government of India to increase w.e.f. November 02, 2018 Interest Equalisation rate from 3% to 5% in respect of exports by the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector manufacturers under the Interest Equalisation Scheme on Pre and Post Shipment Rupee Export Credit.
Provided further that no replenishment of the gold or silver shall be available to the exporter where the exporter avails, in respect of exported product – (i) Cenvat credit on inputs under the Central Excise Act,1944; or (ii) input tax credit on inputs or services or both under Chapter V of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017; or (iii) refund of input tax credit or refund of integrated tax under section 54 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017
i. The Assessing Officer shall duly record the reasons for expanding the scope of ‘Limited Scrutiny’ to the extent mentioned in para 2 and 3, above; ii. The same shall be placed before the Pr. CIT/CIT concerned and upon his approval, further issue can be considered during the assessment proceeding;
Central Government appointed Shri Rangachari Sridharan as the Chairperson, the National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA), with effect from the 1st October, 2018 (afternoon) for a period of three years or till the incumbent attains the age of sixty-five years, whichever is earlier. MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 28th November, 2018 S.O. 5848(E).—In exercise […]
OFFICE ORDER NO. 197 OF 2018 The President is pleased to extend the ad-hoc appointments of the following IRS officers to the grade of Joint Commissioner of Income Tax from 01.10.2018 to 31.03.2019 or upto the date of their regular appointment, whichever is earlier: –