The CBDT has notified that any sum deducted under section 194M shall be paid to the credit of the Central Government within a period of thirty days from the end of the month in which the deduction is made and shall be accompanied by a challan-cum-statement in Form No. 26QD. Every person responsible for deduction […]
1. (1) These rules may be called the Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Second Amendment Rules, 2019. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
The insolvency resolution and liquidation proceedings of the following categories of financial service providers shall be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 read with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Insolvency and Liquidation Proceedings of Financial Service Providers and Application to Adjudicating Authority) Rules, 2019 (in this notification referred to as the ‘Rules’) and the applicable Regulations:
MCA notifies Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Insolvency and Liquidation Proceedings of Financial Service Providers and Application to Adjudicating Authority) Rules, 2019 (Rules)
Notification of provisions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 relating to Personal Guarantors to corporate debtors MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 15th November, 2019 S.O. 4126(E).―In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (31 of 2016), the Central Government hereby appoints […]
Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Application to Adjudicating Authority for Bankruptcy Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors) Rules, 2019 MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 15th November, 2019 G.S.R. 855(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clauses (p), (q), (r), (s), (t), (u), (v), (w), (x), (y), (z), (za), (zb) and […]
Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Application to Adjudicating Authority for Insolvency Resolution Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors) Rules, 2019 MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 15th November, 2019 G.S.R. 854(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1), clauses (g), (h), (i), (m), (n) and (o) of sub-section (2) of section 239 read […]
Prevention of Money-laundering (Maintenance of Records) Fifth Amendment Rules, 2019. notification is with regard to easing of Aadhaar KYC use for opening of the bank account for the convenience of people who often migrate from place to place for jobs or any other reason and it is not regarding the change of address in Aadhaar […]
The name of the approved organization Diabetes Research Centre Foundation, Chennai shall be read as Prof. M. Viswanathan Diabetes Research Centre, Chennai with effect from 01.04.2010.
Amendment in import policy of Iron & Steel and incorporation of policy condition in Chapter 72, 73 and 86 of ITC (HS), 2017, Schedule — I (Import Policy). The SIMS will be effective from 21.11.2019, i.e. Bill of Entry on or after 21.11.2019 for items as listed in the Annex to this Notification shall be governed by SIMS.