Section 83 of the Uttar Pradesh Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 provides for provisional attachment of property for the purpose of protecting the interest of revenue during the pendency of any proceeding under section 62 or section 63 or section 64 or section 67 or section 73 or section 74 of the Act.
Case No. (SSR) 17/2020 Sunset review investigation on imports of Glass Fibre and Article thereof originating in or exported from China PR
Application of provision as in Condition 6(b) of General Notes Regarding Import Policy Schedule – I (Imports) of the ITC (HS) 2017 is relaxed to allow imports of 12 Lakh Metric ton of crushed and de-oiled GM soya cake (only Non-living organism) under ITC HS codes 23040020 and 23040030 from Nhava Sheva (INNSA1) port and […]
Case No. ADD-SSR 28/2020 4th Sunset Review Investigation concerning imports of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) originating in or exported from Russia.
Case No. AD-SSR 16/2020 Sunset review investigation concerning anti dumping duty on imports of Melamine from China PR. A new shipper review was conducted, and the final findings notification no. 7/11/2017-DGAD were issued on 19th June 2019. The Ministry of Finance accepted the recommendation and antidumping duty was imposed vide C.N. No. 34 /2019-Customs (ADD) dated 6th September 2019 on the imports from the concerned exporter.
Seeks to amend notification No. 57/2000-Customs, dated the 8th May, 2000 providing for extension of last date of export by six months, for those cases where the last date of export falls between 01.02.2021 and 30.06.2021. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE (CENTRAL BOARD OF INDIRECT TAXES AND CUSTOMS) Notification No. 39/2021-Customs […]
1. (1) These rules may be called the Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2021. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
Companies (Creation and Maintenance of databank of Independent Directors) Second Amendment Rules, 2021 MCA inserts vide Notification No. G.S.R. 580(E) dated 19.08.2021 ‘Rule 6 Annual report on the capacity building of independent directors’ to Companies (Creation and Maintenance of databank of Independent Directors) Rules, 2019. These MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 19th […]
MCA exempts CA, CMA, CS & Advocate having 10 years’ experience from Online Proficiency Self-Assessment Test for becoming Independent Director by notifying Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Amendment Rules, 2021 vide Notification No. G.S.R. 579(E) dated 19th August, 2021. MCA vide its Notification dated 19th August 2021 has issued the Companies (Appointment and Qualification […]
Seeks to amend Notification number 34/2021- Customs dated 29.06.2021, for reduction in the BCD on Crude Soya Oil [1507 10 00] from 15% to 7.5%; Crude Sunflower Oil [1512 11 10] from 15% to 7.5%; Refined Soya Oil [1507 90 10] from 45% to 37.5%; Refined Sunflower Oil [1512 19 10] from 45% to 37.5%, […]