Central Government hereby notifies Amendment to Notification dated 08.02.2017 for extension of deadline upto 31.03.2022 for Aadhar linking with ration card. Also Read: Deadline for Aadhar linking with ration card extended till 30.06.2022 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS, FOOD AND PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION (DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 20th December, 2021 S.O. […]
In section 25 of the Central Vigilance Commission Act, 2003, in clause (d), the following provisos shall be inserted, namely: Provided that the period for which the Director of Enforcement holds the office on his initial appointment may, in public interest, on the recommendation of the Committee under clause (a) and for the reasons to be recorded in writing, be extended up to one year at a time:
(1) This Act may be called the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (Amendment) Act, 2021. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.
Annual SCOMET Update – 2021 has been notified to amend the Appendix 3 (SCOMET Items) to Schedule-2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2018. Government of India Ministry of Commerce & Industryc Department of Commerce Directorate General of Foreign Trade Udyog Bhavan Notification No. 47/2015-2020-DGFT New Delhi, dated: 20th December, 2021 Subject: […]
‘Free’ import policy of items under HS code 15119010 (Refined bleached deodorised palm oil) , 15119020 (Refined bleached deodorised palmolein) and 15119090 (Others) is extended for a period up to 31.12.2022. Government of India Ministry of Commerce & Industry Department of Commerce Directorate General of Foreign Trade Notification No. 46/2015-2020-DGFT New Delhi, Dated: 20th December, […]
Import policy for Moong shall be Free for consignments with Bill of Lading/Lorry Receipt dated on or before 31.03.2022. Imports should be cleared from Customs on or before 30.06.2022.
MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (Legislative Department) New Delhi, the 20th December, 2021/Agrahayana 29, 1943 (Saka) The following Act of Parliament received the assent of the President on the 18th December, 2021 and is hereby published for general information:— THE ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY (REGULATION) ACT, 2021 (NO. 42 OF 2021) [18th December, 2021] An Act […]
It is informed that, with immediate effect, installation of 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) has been made mandatory by NIC for using the email id on ‘@epfindia.gov.in’ domain.
(1) This scheme may be called the Punjab One Time Settlement of Outstanding Dues (Second) Scheme, 2021. (2) It extends to the whole of the State of Punjab.
The Biological Diversity (Amendment) Bill, 2021, inter alia, seeks to— (i) reduce the pressure on wild medicinal plants by encouraging cultivation of medicinal plants; (ii) encourage Indian system of medicine; (iii) facilitate fast-tracking of research, patent application process, transfer of research results while utilising the biological resources available in India without compromising the objectives of United Nation Convention on Biological Diversity and its Nagoya Protocol;