Notification: S.O.3114 It is hereby notified for general information that the approval given under section 35(1)(ii) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, to Society of Pharmaceutical & Industrial Research, Bombay, by notification No. 244 (F. No. 203/42/70-ITA-II) with effect from 20th December, 1972, is withdrawn with effect from 1st June, 1976, on the recomm
Notification: S.O.458(E) Short title and commencement.–(1) These rules may be called the Income-tax Settlement Commission (Procedure) Rules, 1976. (2) They sha
Notification: S.O.4051 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause (ii) of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 138 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby specifies, f
Notification: S.O.2749 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause (ii) of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 138 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby specifies, fo
Notification: S.O.2826 Loyola Academy, Hyderabad. The notification will be effective from 1-4-1976 to 31-3-1979
Notification: S.O.3396 In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (v) of sub-section (23C) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby notifies ‘Shree V. V. S
Notification: S.O.2883In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section 80L of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby specifies the 6 per
Notification: S.O.420(E) This notification contains amendment to Income-tax (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 1976 carried out on June 19, 1976 not reproduced here as it is already contained in the body of the Rules itself
Notification: S.O.2825 ) That the said society will furnish the annual return of its scientific research activities to the prescribed authority for every financial year in such forms as may be laid down and intimated
Notification: S.O.2356 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2)(b) of section 80G of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby notifies the Mulbagal Sri Anjaneyaswa