Data Centres and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) is included in the Harmonized Master List of Infrastructure sub-sectors
Banks shall ascertain the Foreign Currency Exposure (FCE) of all entities2 at least on an annual basis. Banks shall compute the FCE following the relevant accounting standard applicable for the entity.
Reserve Bank of India RBI/2022-23/130 DOR.ACC.REC.No.74/21.04.018/2022-23 October 11, 2022 Madam / Dear Sir, Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements – Presentation and Disclosures) Directions, 2021 – Disclosure of Divergence in Asset Classification and Provisioning In terms of paragraph C.4(e) of Annexure III to the Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements-Presentation and Disclosures) Directions, 2021, commercial banks […]
If the consolidated asset (consolidation as per para 2 above) size of the Group is ₹1000 crore and above, then each Investment and Credit Company (NBFC-ICC), Micro Finance Institution (NBFC-MFI), NBFC-Factor and Mortgage Guarantee Company (NBFC-MGC) lying in the Group shall be classified as an NBFC in the Middle Layer
To improve corporate governance standards in ARCs RBI amends Regulatory Framework for Asset Reconstruction Companies
SPDs shall adhere to prudential regulations and other instructions contained in circular related to foreign exchange activities and other associated guidelines applicable to SPDs.
RBI permits SPD to offer foreign exchange products, as allowed from time to time, to their Foreign Portfolio Investor (FPI) clients.
International Financial Services Centres Authority, (Setting up and Operation of International Branch Campuses and Offshore Education Centres) Regulations, 2022
These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards (Approval for Non-Specified Food and Food Ingredients) First Amendment Regulations, 2022.
It is observed that the Press Releases (PRs) issued by ECAIs on rating actions are often devoid of the lenders’ details. Absence of such information may result in banks applying the derived risk weights for unrated exposures, without satisfying themselves regarding adherence to prescribed conditions