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Notification No. 20/2010-Income Tax, Dated: 31.03.2010

March 31, 2010 421 Views 0 comment Print

For serial number 80 and the entries relating thereto, the following serial number and entries shall be substituted namely.

Notified Income-tax authorities for the purpose of Dispute Resolution Panels- Notification No. 21/2010

March 31, 2010 466 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 21/2010-Income Tax In exercise of the Powers conferred by section 118 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby directs that the income-tax authorities specified in column (2) of the Table below shall, for the purposes of the functions under section 144C of the said Act, be subordinate to the income-tax authority specified in column (1) of the said Table, namely

Policy for issue of import licenses of Rough Marble Blocks for the Financial year 2010-11

March 31, 2010 1018 Views 0 comment Print

A number of representations have been received from the various Associations of marble manufacturers/processors for review of the regime governing import of marble. The matter has been considered carefully by the Government. The following Policy provisions will henceforth be applicable for import of Rough Marble Blocks for the financial year 2010-11. This Policy will supersede earlier Policy /Guidelines for issue of import licences of Rough Marble Blocks.

Notification No. 22/2010-Service Tax dated 30th March, 2010

March 30, 2010 354 Views 0 comment Print

Amendment in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No.09/2010-Service Tax, dated the 27 th February, 2010, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide number G.S.R. 153 (E), dated the 27 th February, 2010

Notification No. 21/2010-Service Tax dated 30th March, 2010

March 30, 2010 459 Views 0 comment Print

amendment in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No.08/2010-Service Tax, dated the 27th February, 2010, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide number G.S.R. 152 (E), dated the 27th February, 2010

Notification No. 20/2010-Service Tax dated 30th March, 2010

March 30, 2010 366 Views 0 comment Print

Makes the following amendment in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No.07/2010-Service Tax, dated the 27 th February, 2010, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide number G.S.R. 151 (E), dated the 27 th February, 2010

Prohibition on export of Pulses-regarding

March 30, 2010 718 Views 0 comment Print

NOTIFICATION NO. 35 /2009-2014, NEW DELHI, THE 30TH MARCH, 2010- In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 read with Section 3(2) of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992) and also read with Para 1.3 and Para 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-2014 (as amended from time to time), the Central Government hereby substitutes, with immediate effect, Para 3 (i) of Notification No.15 (RE-2006)/2004-2009, dated 27.6.2006, read with Notification No. 99 (RE-2008)/2004-2009, dated 27.3.2009, as amended from time to time.

Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme, 2008 – Prudential Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification, Provisioning and Capital Adequacy

March 30, 2010 426 Views 0 comment Print

In view of the recent drought in some States and the severe floods in some other parts of the country, the Government of India, as announced in the Union Budget 2010-11, has now decided to extend the last date of payment of 75% of overdue portion by the ‘other farmer’ under Debt Relief Scheme (under ADWDR) for another six months beyond December 31, 2009, i.e up to June 30, 2010. The eligible “other farmers” may be allowed to repay this amount in one or more instalments up to June 30, 2010.

Classification in the Balance Sheet – Capital Instruments

March 30, 2010 991 Views 0 comment Print

Under Schedule 1-Capital- (1) Perpetual Non-Cumulative Preference Share (PNCPS), Under Schedule 4 – Borrowings, (2) Innovative Perpetual Debt Instruments (IPDI), (3) Hybrid debt capital instruments issued as bonds/debentures, (4) Perpetual Cumulative Preference Shares (PCPS)

Notification for Amendment to Schedule A, C & D of MVAT Act, 2002

March 30, 2010 847 Views 0 comment Print

In entry 9A, in column (2), for the figures, letters and word ” 31st March 2010 ” the figures, letters and words “31st March 2011 or the date on which the Goods and Services Tax Act comes into force, whichever is earlier ” shall be substituted.(2) in entry 51, in column (2), for the figures, letters and word ” 31st March 2010 ” the figures, letters and words “31st March 2011 or the date on which the Goods and Services Tax Act comes into force, whichever is earlier” shall be substituted.

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