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Maharashtra Tax Laws (Levy, Amendment and Validation) Act, 2011

April 8, 2011 9481 Views 0 comment Print

This Act may be called the Maharashtra Tax Laws (Levy, Amendment and Validation) Act, 2011. (2) (a) Section 1 shall come into force on the date of the publication of this Act in the Official Gazette. (b) Section 19 (1) shall come into force with effect from the date on which the Finance Act, 2011 comes into force. (c) Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the remaining sections shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint and different dates may be appointed for different provisions.

Company Law – Companies (Amendment) Regulations, 2011 – Amendment in regulation 2

April 6, 2011 2007 Views 0 comment Print

In the Companies Regulations, 1956, in regulation 2, for clause (d), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:- “(d) ” Regional Director” means the person appointed by the Central Government in the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Regional Director for the respective regions as under:-

Company Law – Director’s Relatives (Office or Place of Profit) Amendment Rules, 2011 – Amendment in rules 3 and 7

April 6, 2011 3516 Views 0 comment Print

In the Director’s Relatives (Office or Place of Profit) Rules, 2003, (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in rule 3, for the figures “50,000”, the figures “2,50,000” shall be substituted. 3. In the said rules, for the figures “50,000”, the figures “2,50,000” shall be substituted. 4. In the said rules, for rule 7, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:— The selection and appointment of a relative of a director holding office or place of profit in the company shall be approved by adopting the same procedure applicable to non-relatives :

SEBI – Amendment in SEBI (Stock Brokers and Sub-Brokers) Regulations – Notification No. LAD-NRO/GN/2011-12/01/11486, DATED 06-04-2011

April 6, 2011 697 Views 0 comment Print

NOTIFICATION NO. LAD-NRO/GN/2011-12/01/11486, DATED 6-4-2011 1. These Regulations may be called the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Stock Brokers and Sub-brokers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2011. 2. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 3. In the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Stock Brokers and Sub-brokers) Regulations, 1992:— (i) in regulation 2, in clause (fa), after the words “derivatives segment of a stock exchange” the words “or currency derivatives segment of a stock exchange” shall be inserted;

Income-tax (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2011 – Amendment in rules 5C & 5D and substitution of Form No. 3CF-I in Appendix II

April 5, 2011 2567 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 19/2011 – Income Tax – In the Income-tax Rules, 1962 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in rule 5C, – (a) the word “scientific”, wherever it occurs, shall be omitted; (b) in sub-rule (1) in clause (i) after the words, brackets and letters “clause (ii)”, the words, brackets and letters “or clause (iii)” shall be inserted. 3. For the rule 5D of the said rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:– “5D. Conditions subject to which approval is to be granted to a research association under clause (ii) or clause (iii) of sub-section (1) of section 35.–(1) The sole object of the applicant research association shall be to undertake scientific research or research in social science or statistical research as the case may be.

Income Tax Notification notifying ITR applicable for Assessment year 2011-12

April 5, 2011 4966 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 18/2011 – Income Tax The return of income required to be furnished in Form SAHAJ (ITR-1) or Form No. ITR-2 or Form No. ITR -3 or Form SUGAM (ITR-4S) or Form No. ITR -4 or Form No. ITR-5 or Form No. ITR -6 shall not be accompanied by a statement showing the computation of the tax payable on the basis of the return, or proof of the tax, if any, claimed to have been deducted or collected at source or the advance tax or tax on self-assessment, if any, claimed to have been paid or any document or copy of any account or form or report of audit required to be attached with the return of income under any of the provisions of the Act.

Continuous services notified for purpose of Point of Taxation Rules, 2011 – NOTIFICATION NO. 28/2011 – SERVICE TAX, DATED 01-04-2011

April 4, 2011 3813 Views 0 comment Print

NOTIFICATION NO. 28/2011 – SERVICE TAX, CBEC has notified following service under continues service category for Point of taxation rule under service tax videNotification number 28/2011 dated 01.04.2011:- clause (zzq) of section 65(105) : Commercial or industrial construction. clause (zzzh) of section 65(105) : Construction of complex clause (zzzx) of section 65(105) : by the telegraph authority in relation to telecommunication service, clause (zzzu) of section 65(105) : in relation to internet telecommunication service and clause (zzzza) of section 65(105) : Works contract

Notification No. 17/2011 – Income Tax Dated 1/4/2011

April 1, 2011 949 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 17/2011 – Income Tax [F.NO. 203/16/2009/IT (A-II)], DATED 1-4-2011 – Income-tax : Section 35(1)(ii) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 – Scientific research expenditure – Approved scientific research associations/institutions- It is hereby notified for general information that the organization Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, has been approved by the Central Government for the purpose of clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section 35 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (said Act), read with rules 5C and 5D of the Income-tax Rules, 1962 (said Rules) with effect from 1-4-2003 to 31-3-2008 in the category of ‘scientific research association’ subject to the following conditions, namely:–

Amendment in the notification no. 19/2009-Service Tax, dated the 7th July, 2009 vide Notification No. 27/2011 – Service Tax

April 1, 2011 6885 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No 27/2011–Service Tax -By Notification No. 19/2009 dated 07.07.2009, service provided by one scheduled bank to another scheduled bank in relation to interbank transactions of purchase and sale of foreign currency, was exempted. Now this exemption is available to any bank, including a bank located outside India, or money changer.

Amendment in the Service Tax Rules, 1994 vide Notification No. 26/2011 – Service Tax

April 1, 2011 5917 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 26/2011–Service Tax- In case of continuous supply of service, every person providing such taxable service shall issue an invoice, bill or challan, as the case may be, within fourteen days of the date when each event specified in the contract, which requires the service receiver to make any payment to service provider, is completed

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