CA, CS, CMA : Learn about Section 58 of the Income Tax Bill 2025, which simplifies presumptive taxation for non-residents, including turnover li...
Finance : #AD Taxation is essential for businesses, but for small enterprises and professionals, it can be complex and time-consuming. Micro...
Income Tax : Section 44ADA of Income Tax Act, 1961 offers a presumptive taxation scheme for professionals, simplifying tax compliance by allowi...
Income Tax : Explore the implications of the New Income Tax Bill 2025, including changes to deductions and losses under Section 58(4), aimed at...
Income Tax : Simplify taxes with Section 44AD's presumptive taxation for small businesses. Learn eligibility, rates, and conditions for maintai...
CA, CS, CMA : There is no requirement for submitting the Financial Statements i.e. Balance Sheets and Income & Expenditure Account for the appli...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune rules that taxpayers must disclose cash-in-hand, bank balances, and receivables, even under the Presumptive Taxation Sch...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai allows Hotel Deepak's appeal, holding that a survey statement u/s 133A can't be the sole basis for income addition wh...
Income Tax : Appellant contended that since he had filed income tax returns under section 44AD of the Act, which does not require maintenance o...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai rules no addition under section 68 based on turnover declared under section 44 AD of Income Tax Act for Kalpesh Kantil...
Income Tax : Explore the interpretation of Sections 44 BB(1) and 44 BB(2) of the Income Tax Act in the case of CIT Vs B.J. Services Co. Me Ltd....
If assessee opts for presumptive taxation it cannot claim any deduction of any expenditure including Depreciation. Since no deduction is allowed the AO is not permitted to add back the income as unexplained expenditure.
Audit of accounts of certain persons carrying on business or profession: Section 44AB, first time inserted by the Finance Act, 1984, by the Finance Minister Shri Pranav Mukharji with effect from 1st April 1985. At that time there was so opposed of this section, by business persons, professional persons and particularly by Tax Advocates and […]
The basic edifice of presumptive scheme u/s 44AD is assessee would not be called to maintain books under the Act and get them audited if profit shown by assessee is otherwise in accordance with prescription of section 44AD of the Act. But maintaining books of account is sine qua non for making addition under section 68. Since […]
Applicability of tax audit and presumptive taxation in case a person is carrying on both Business and Profession The limits specified for getting your accounts audited are different in case of business and profession. Some persons are engaged in carrying on both business and profession at the same time. Now a question may arise in […]
There is a misconception in the mind of business as well as professional community that if a person opts the provisions of presumptive taxation, then he is free to enjoy the difference between the actual profits and the presumptive profits. It is to be noted that the provisions of presumptive taxation are enacted to facilitate […]
Section 44AB of the income-tax Act, 1961, which provides for tax audit of certain taxpayers, has been amended in the recent past in order to relax the compliance burden on small taxpayers. However, while these amendments are well-intentioned, they have increased confusion amongst taxpayers. We know that there are various monetary limits u/s Sec 44AA , […]
E- book on presumptive Taxation Titled ‘A 360° approach to Presumptive Taxation’. The book is a very well complied guide covering various aspects of the presumptive taxation. The book will certainly benefit the readers about the intricacies of presumptive taxation and will play a pivotal role in shaping and guiding the tax practitioners in their […]
Transportation Revenue Vis-A-Vis Sections 44AA, 44AB, 44AD AND 44AE of The Income Tax Act, 1961- A Critical Analysis In this Article, the Author has made an attempt to analyse the provisions of Section 44AA, Section 44AB, Section 44AD and Section 44AE of the Income Tax Act, 1961 in the context of requirements and applicability of […]
In order to reduce the tax burden and to provide relief to the small taxpayers from the tedious job of maintenance of books of account, getting the accounts audited and from tax compliance’s, the government of India incorporated a simplified scheme. The scheme of presumptive taxation under section 44AD of Income Tax Act. The taxpayers […]
The income tax laws offer a presumptive scheme of taxation for certain professionals. There are lots of doubts about what is the exact scheme and whether every professional can opt for it. I intend to explain the presumptive scheme of taxation for professional in this article. What is the presumptive scheme for taxation for professionals […]