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Indraneel Sen Gupta

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Online School & Office – Cost Efficient Module

Finance : I never thought that working from home will be so easy and so comfortable with so many online platforms where virtual meetings, vi...

April 6, 2020 1116 Views 1 comment Print

Reduce GST rates for Service Industry & Not Individual Tax Slabs

Finance : The Indian economy is going through one of the toughest times where a reform measure has failed to get the Indian economy back on ...

December 27, 2019 4134 Views 0 comment Print

Artificial Intelligence Auditor & Auditing Models

Finance : Discover how Artificial Intelligence Auditor & Auditing Models can revolutionize corporate governance standards and reduce errors....

December 16, 2019 4440 Views 2 comments Print

Skill Development – Growth Driver of Indian Economy

Finance : Explore the importance of skill development in the Indian economy and why it's crucial for long-term growth and prosperity....

December 5, 2019 5481 Views 0 comment Print

India Targets to be USD 5 Trillion Economy- Skill Development needs Changes

Finance : Exploring the future of Indias job market and the challenges of skill development in achieving a USD 5 trillion economy....

November 22, 2019 3135 Views 1 comment Print

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Investments around the world are ready to rock 2011

Finance : From the struggling economy of US to the emerging economies every one is ready with their investment ideas and strategies. In this...

December 5, 2010 312 Views 0 comment Print

European Banks Still Need Rescue

November 1, 2011 6021 Views 0 comment Print

World market is happy with the recent funding mechanisms declared and agreed for the troubled European economies. Banks have been asked to absorb 50% of the pains of trouble assets. Another part of the funding will be provided by EFSF which will create a set of special-purpose vehicles financed by other investors, including sovereign-wealth funds & funds being raised via bonds.

European Banks – The Repeat of History

October 27, 2011 1463 Views 0 comment Print

By the time this article is being read by you the European deal makers will be meeting another obstacle in reducing the debt pains of Euro. In the last meeting it was agreed that the banks of Europe having exposure to the ballooning debt of Euro nations will be required to cut of 21% of its debts from the Balance sheet of the banks. But the real fact was kept hidden that the hole in the pocket was beyond 21% and even 70% cut consumed by the banks from its internal sources will not be sufficient.

Last Chance Mr. Obama……

September 3, 2011 631 Views 0 comment Print

For the world US unemployment stands at 9.1%-a simple number but for the US economy its stands out 14million people sitting at home. In fact the number is more reduced so that the world can sleep peacefully and speculators could carry on the show. Mr. Obama stayed silent after the job numbers came up.

Massive Death …Gifted By Speculators

August 27, 2011 537 Views 0 comment Print

It’s a big day for Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke. In a much-anticipated speech in Jackson Hole, Wyoming the world expects that the US FED will come up with another round of QE3. The main hope of the world is that quantitative easing 3 Fed would either buy more government bonds or shift existing holdings toward longer-term securities.

Europe…Who is Next

August 13, 2011 944 Views 0 comment Print

If some one has done mistake in early then it does not make sense that every time it will repeat the mistake. S&P has done the perfect thing that this time it has went ahead and declared the most vulnerable danger awaiting for the world market. In other words what the 12000 Dow Jones and Mr.Obama administration was trying to hide was reveled by S&P.

Banks Cry, Mortgage Rating, Q3 & Q4

August 13, 2011 369 Views 0 comment Print

With recent fraught of Europe the US banks are very much on the verge of peril. Three US banks are having great numbers of exposure in European debts. Citigroup ,JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America are having have billions of dollars exposed to European banks and debt. U.S. banks are most at risk in Europe because of the gyrations of the overseas debt markets and potential inability to undertake fixed-income underwriting securities from European economy. The respective exposures being taken by the 3 banks of US are as follows

US Employment…….. Dow Jones Bubble

August 7, 2011 1175 Views 0 comment Print

Another round cooked number were presented to keep the face of DOWJONES above 12000 marks. Obama administration has again and will try in future to keep the face of Wall Street to be promising when in real terms it has no words to make any promise. The community of financial analyst should try to avoid and cut US economy from the map of investments and prospects or any type of clue which will guide the world market. Since cooked numbers will only give birth to bubble of speculation, where the future becomes quite dark.

Euro Privatisation

June 2, 2011 732 Views 0 comment Print

Saving the Euro or saving the nations which one comes first is the question of debate. European economies are struggling to survive the Euro and not the nations. They want bailout but to that extent to which the political image of financial management is not shattered keeping the upcoming elections in the Euro nations.

Why Silver crashed and is it the time to Invest?

May 8, 2011 2429 Views 0 comment Print

Silver prices plunged across the world market keeping every one on the table of quest of what made the fall of silver prices. Base metal prices were very much over leveraged or over brought in the past couple of months on a continuous basis. Silver is expected to have another correction from the last weeks closing by another 5% to 10%.

China Forgets European Humiliation-Joins for a New Start

February 5, 2011 282 Views 0 comment Print

Europe has covered the attention of the financial media in the past 6 months. One after the other the financial crisis have triggered fear and fought among the investors across the globe. The stock markets around the world were rattled and sleeps of

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