Corporate Law : Understand the applicability, compliance, penalties, and best practices of the POSH Act for Private Limited Companies in India wit...
CA, CS, CMA : Check the December 2024 due date calendar for various tax and compliance obligations, including GST, Income Tax, ESI, and Providen...
Company Law : Understand stamp duty rules on share transfers in demat form for private limited companies. Covers legal framework, rates, respons...
Income Tax : Convert your company into an LLP before 31st March 2025 to carry forward business losses for 8 years. Act now before the tax benef...
Company Law : MCA clarifies demat rules for Non-Small Private Companies, including ISIN delays and share allotment procedures. Compliance requir...
Corporate Law : Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs Scheme of Special Micro-Credit Facility launched for Street Vendors – Striving towar...
Company Law : In this flash editorial author discusses the provisions of liability of directors after strike off of Company or winding up of Com...
Company Law : Article discusses Time Period for Filing of Appeal in National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) against the order of adjudic...
Corporate Law : In this editorial author discusses Judgment National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) in the case of Steamline Industries L...
Corporate Law : The 'I&B Code' is a complete Code by itself. The provision of the Power of Attorney Act, 1882 cannot override the specific provisi...
Corporate Law : Whether Corporate Debtor can bar the NCLT to accept the petition of Operational Creditor by raising a dispute on the Demand Notice...
The Ministry had set-up a Committee on 16th September, 2015 to examine and recommend matter for inclusion in the statement to be attached with Auditor’s Report under Section 143(11) of the Companies Act, 2013 for the financial year 2015-16 onwards. The said Committee has since made recommendations in the matter.
Provision: As per Section 123(5) of Companies Act, 2013 Dividend not be payable except in cash. Dividend: Section 2(35) of the Companies Act, 2013 simply states that “Dividend Includes Any Interim Dividend”. Thus, the definition of dividend under the Companies Act is an inclusive definition.
In case the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) wants to close down its business or where it is not carrying on any business operations for the period of one year or more, , it can make an application to the Registrar of Companies for declaring the company as defunct and removing the name of the LLP from […]
[1]Financial fraud is a phenomenon that haunts everyone alike. Not only does it mean loss of an asset for the one who has been at the receiving end of a fraud, it has the capability of shaking the roots of “confidence” and “trust” that anchor a society and/or an economy. Governments and other policy makers […]
As per Law, there is no compulsion for Private Company to appoint MD, WTD and Manager. As per Act Private Company can continue working without MD, WTD and manager throughout the life of company. But if Private company appoints any Managerial Personnel willingly. Then company requires to follow Section: 196 of Companies Act, 2013.
As we are aware that on 1stFebruary 2016, Ministry of Corporate Affairs uploaded the report of Companies Law Committee on its website. In this post, we will discuss recommendations of the committee for the Directors and their meetings.
The Committee considered the suggestion for making the definition of deposit less restrictive, but felt that adequate prescriptive powers for excluding amounts received by a company from the term ‘deposit’ have been provided in the definition and no change is, therefore, required.
As we are aware that on 1st February 2016, Ministry of Corporate Affairs uploaded the report of Companies Law Committee (CLC) on its website. In this post, we will discuss recommendations of the committee related to Small Companies / Private Limited Companies. Committee recommended many more new relaxations for Small Private Companies for ease of doing […]
Associate company in relation to another company, means a company in which that other company has a significant influence, but which is not a subsidiary company of the company having such influence and includes a joint venture company.
To amend 4(1)(C) to allow companies to have an option to have a more generic object clause, i.e. ‘to enlarge in any lawful act or activity or business as per the law for the the time being in force’ in the MOA