Service Tax : The purpose of presenting this article to the various members is to provide the clarity on the issue regarding the booking of inco...
Service Tax : In view queries received on Rule 7 of the Point of Taxation Rules, 2011, regarding the Accounting Treatment under Reverse Charge,...
Service Tax : As we are witnessing the major changes in the Service Tax Rules/Acts recently. Under Reverse Charge Mechanism the service recipien...
The purpose of presenting this article to the various members is to provide the clarity on the issue regarding the booking of income (without raising invoice to the respective parties) at the end of the financial year say March 2012 and the applicability of Service Tax on this income. In other words, when the service provider has provided the service before the end of the financial year say March 2012, but the invoice for the same has not been issued till March 2012.
In view queries received on Rule 7 of the Point of Taxation Rules, 2011, regarding the Accounting Treatment under Reverse Charge, that if Service Receiver has not made the payment to the service provider within the period of six months from the date of Invoice, as prescribed under Rule 7 of Point of Taxation Rules.
As we are witnessing the major changes in the Service Tax Rules/Acts recently. Under Reverse Charge Mechanism the service recipient is liable to pay the service tax instead of service provider. However in certain cases both service provider and service recipient has been made liable to pay service tax. The service receiver has to register himself under service tax and service receiver cannot claim general exemption limit of 10 Lakh rupees.