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CA Anuj Agrawal

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HEDGE Accounting – WHAT is allowed to be hedged?

Finance : In continuation to our earlier article on ‘Risk Management Strategy vs. Risk Management objectives’, let’s understan...

September 17, 2018 6351 Views 0 comment Print

ICAI Upcoming Elections – a dilemma for a POOR VOTER

CA, CS, CMA : Election, election and election…Now a day’s every candidate is trying to lure his/her candidature in such a fashion that he/ s...

September 11, 2018 1992 Views 2 comments Print

Pressure MEETING TARGETS potentially converting into FRAUDs – Forensic Study

CA, CS, CMA : Every business list down its strategy to move forward and for that it gears up its executives by providing them some agreed target...

September 10, 2018 1893 Views 2 comments Print

Non- Controlling Interest- “Initial Measurement” – Policy Choice Available?

CA, CS, CMA : When an Entity is being acquired by another Entity, it has two way to look at it, first being 100% acquired where all controlling ...

August 27, 2018 9972 Views 0 comment Print

PREPAYMENT of a debt or EXTENDING term of debt – If passes SPPI test?

CA, CS, CMA : Often debts include clauses in which either borrower or an issuer can prepay the debt amount earlier than its contractually agreed...

August 23, 2018 1587 Views 1 comment Print

Vodafone/ Idea Merger “ Option to buy Shares given”- Ind-As Accounting approach

March 21, 2017 4044 Views 1 comment Print

Recent news on approving merger of Vodafone & Idea at their board level has given many questions related to its accounting under the new framework i.e. Ind-As.

Change in Functional Currency – Ind-As/ IFRS

March 20, 2017 9384 Views 0 comment Print

As you all might be aware about the meaning and significance of functional currency for an entity whose financial statements are being prepared under Ind-As/ IFRS.

Foreign Currency Borrowings- “Exchange Loss Capitalization” – Ind-As/ IFRS

March 18, 2017 23595 Views 3 comments Print

There are certain foreign currency borrowings which have been taken in order to construct/ create some of the assets of the entity. Company is currently availing option given under para 46/46A of AS-11 and amortizing exchange difference over the period of loan.

Fair Value of “Operating Leases” when acquisition of a Business – Ind-As/ IFRS

March 14, 2017 3537 Views 1 comment Print

Acquisitions of new businesses are quite common strategies for any business to leverage its exisiting competencies or to achieve an economy of scale. Apart from various valuation analysis that are being done while finalizing any new business acquisition decisions

Discounting the Provisions (Time value of Money)-Ind-As/ IFRS

March 10, 2017 22980 Views 2 comments Print

CA Anuj Agrawal Provisions are being made where there is an uncertainty of an Amount and Timing to discharge these liabilities which are being calculated based on estimations & other procedures adopted by the management prescribed as per applicable accounting standards. Under the current accounting practice there is no requirement for discounting any provision which […]

Constructive Obligation – Ind-As/ IFRS

March 7, 2017 19515 Views 3 comments Print

Constructive as per its dictionary meaning it is something which is not obvious or stated explicitly and it perhaps could be derived by inference (presumptions) and the word Obligation means a duty or commitment.

ICICI Bank recent issued Dollar Bonds (Equity or Liability?)-Ind-As/ IFRS

March 6, 2017 2433 Views 1 comment Print

Those who keep an eye on latest trends over fund raising by Indian entities, they would have noticed that recently ICICI bank has initiated a Dollar Bond issue through its Dubai branch.

Contingent consideration in Business combinations – Ind-As/ IFRS

March 3, 2017 8193 Views 5 comments Print

When an acquisition of a business is being made and the consideration for such business to include some portion of amount which is NOT certainly determinable and depending upon some future event/s to be met and accordingly an expectation is required to be built to calculate that uncertain portion called Contingent consideration.

Domino’s- Accounting of Franchise agreement in business acquisition-Ind-As/ IFRS

March 2, 2017 8052 Views 3 comments Print

Lets understand a situation where its franchisor i.e. Domino’s USA takes over or bought the business of Domino’s India under Business combination. Now, questions which will be arisen related to this existing franchise agreement are-

“ONGC” –Abandonment cost/ Decommissioning liability – Ind-As/ IFRS

February 28, 2017 8232 Views 1 comment Print

Cost of temporary occupation of land, successful exploratory wells. all development wells, depreciation on related equipment. facilities and estimated Future abandonment costs are capitalised and reflected as Oil & Gas Assets.

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