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Akhilesh Kumar Sah

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Avoid Heavy Penalty: Ensure Timely Filing of Tax Return

Income Tax : Where a person required to furnish a return of income under Section 139, fails to do so within the time prescribed in sub-section ...

August 29, 2020 15771 Views 4 comments Print

Difference between terms Business & Profession for income tax purposes

Income Tax : The Section 2(13) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, contains an inclusive definition of the term business. There are differences betwe...

June 30, 2020 111875 Views 13 comments Print

Whether writing of bad debts in accounts sufficient to claim deduction U/s. 36(1)(Vii)?

Income Tax : The Delhi High Court, has held in CIT vs. Samara India(P) Ltd. (2013) 216 Taxman 93 , following the decision of Supreme Court in T...

June 28, 2020 60338 Views 1 comment Print

Question of Deductibility of an Expenditure U/s. 57(iii) of Income Tax Act, 1961

Income Tax : The provisions of the Income-tax Act relating to allowances disclose that the expenditure or outgoing sought to be deducted should...

June 10, 2020 133433 Views 7 comments Print

Distinction between Capital & Revenue Receipt

Income Tax : In CIT vs. Bharti Hexacom Ltd. [2014] 221 TAXMAN 323, the Delhi High Court has observed (at page 341), that if the money paid rela...

June 10, 2020 61962 Views 3 comments Print

Latest Judiciary

A New Light on Reassessment Under Income Tax Act, 1961

Income Tax : In our view this is not a fair or proper procedure. If not in the first notice, at least at the time of furnishing the reasons the...

April 16, 2020 2175 Views 0 comment Print

L&T Case: Classic example of change of opinion

Income Tax : The assessee had challenged reopening of assessment on two grounds. The CIT(A) had accepted the arguments of the assessee, in ligh...

September 9, 2019 4659 Views 0 comment Print

Allowance of depreciation on the basis of consistency: BSE Ltd. case

Income Tax : We noted that in the very first year i.e. AY 2011-12, the depreciation has already allowed the claim of depreciation. We noted tha...

September 3, 2019 927 Views 0 comment Print

Liability for provisions can be measured only by using a substantial degree of estimation

Income Tax : The estimate of warranty made by the assessee on the basis of past history cannot be treated as a provision for any ascertained li...

July 1, 2019 3405 Views 0 comment Print

Initiation of penalty not valid if AO fails to record satisfaction for the same

Income Tax : Where no satisfaction had been recorded by the AO for initiation of penalty in the assessment order the same cannot invite the ass...

June 13, 2019 5343 Views 0 comment Print

Whether Inaugural Expenses Deductible Under Section 37 (1)

January 7, 2020 14829 Views 0 comment Print

Many times reference has been sought regarding the question whether inaugural expenses incurred by a person are deductible under section 37(1) or not while computing the profits & gains from business or profession (of that person).

For section 10A, total turnover is sum of export & domestic turnover

January 5, 2020 11187 Views 1 comment Print

Section 10A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (the Act for short) deals with special provision in respect of newly established undertakings in free trade zone, etc. For the purposes of section 10A, total turnover is sum of export turnover as well as domestic turnover

Requirement to extend due date to file Tax audit report and related ITR

September 11, 2019 44028 Views 69 comments Print

The due date for a person (other than a company) whose accounts are required to be audited under the Income Tax Act, 1961, may be increased to 31st October 2019 as the numbers of cases of audit are increasing and auditors have to incorporate data of GST Returns in the audit report apart from checking of the purchases, turnover, ITC, etc., and also tax audit forms have seen changes.

L&T Case: Classic example of change of opinion

September 9, 2019 4659 Views 0 comment Print

The assessee had challenged reopening of assessment on two grounds. The CIT(A) had accepted the arguments of the assessee, in light of provisions of section 147 of the Act, and the assessment order passed by the AO u/s 143(3) of the Act, dated 29/12/2018 and came to the conclusion that the assessment has been reopened on change of opinion without there being any tangible material, in the possession of the AO, which suggest escapement of income.

Allowance of depreciation on the basis of consistency: BSE Ltd. case

September 3, 2019 927 Views 0 comment Print

We noted that in the very first year i.e. AY 2011-12, the depreciation has already allowed the claim of depreciation. We noted that in the income tax code, there is a provision/ concept of block of asset and once any asset enters into block asset and claim of depreciation in very first year is allowed, in subsequent year the deprecation cannot be disallowed in case the first year is not

Liability for provisions can be measured only by using a substantial degree of estimation

July 1, 2019 3405 Views 0 comment Print

The estimate of warranty made by the assessee on the basis of past history cannot be treated as a provision for any ascertained liability and allowed the provision for warranty as deduction.

Initiation of penalty not valid if AO fails to record satisfaction for the same

June 13, 2019 5343 Views 0 comment Print

Where no satisfaction had been recorded by the AO for initiation of penalty in the assessment order the same cannot invite the assessee to penalty under section 271(1)(c)

Depreciation on non ­compete fee payment treating it as an intangible asset

June 12, 2019 2637 Views 0 comment Print

Recently in the DCIT vs. Compass Group (India) Support Services P. Ltd.  ITAT Chennai decided on 12.06.2019, one of the ground taken by Revenue in the appeal was that the Learned CIT(A) has erred in providing relief to the assessee by holding that the appellant was entitled to depreciation on non ­compete fee as an intangible asset under Section 32( l)(ii) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (hereinafter referred in short as the Act).

Need to extend Income Tax Return due date of July 31 to December 31

June 5, 2019 4980 Views 6 comments Print

Taxpayers faced a lot of problem last year and even pensioners/ senior citizens paid late fees on late filing of returns. With a view to make tax system taxpayers friendly and cooperative, the due date of 31st July should be changed to 31st December, every year. The coming central budget(on 5 July 2019) may consider the above mentioned problems.

Revenue share based licence fee is allowable expense U/s. 37(1)

June 4, 2019 7491 Views 0 comment Print

Revenue share based licence fee held to be allowable expense under section 37(1), merely because the Revenue has not accepted the decision of the Hon’ble Delhi High Court and an SLP has been filed against the said order, the same cannot be a ground to disallow the expenditure unless and until the same is reversed or stayed by the Supreme Court

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