Participate in the Reserve Bank’s Biennial Foreign Collaborations and Services (FCS) Survey to gain insights into potential competition areas. Understand reporting entity obligations, submission process, and deadlines. Follow precise instructions for accurate data submission via email, ensuring confidentiality. The survey covers various performance indicators, technology transfer agreements, and economic activity classifications. Stay informed about identification criteria, errors, and fatal/non-fatal error codes. Respondents are urged to submit their responses by July 15 for the latest reference period. Consult RBI’s guidelines for comprehensive information and successful participation.
Reserve Bank conducts the Foreign Collaborations and Services (FCS) Survey, which serves as a valuable tool for researchers and industries alike. This survey provides insights into areas of potential competition and captures a wide range of performance indicators and technology transfer agreements. It is conducted biennially for Indian direct investment companies with foreign technical collaboration agreements. The survey is launched through RBI press releases and email notifications, with reporting entities submitting filled-in survey schedules via email. The data is analyzed internally, and aggregated results are published on the RBI website. The confidentiality of company-wise information is maintained, and only consolidated aggregates are released. Reporting entities must carefully follow the instructions while filling the survey schedule, and the survey schedule must be submitted in Excel format. The FCS survey is typically launched in June, with a submission deadline of July 15.
General Instructions
The Reserve Bank has been conducting FCS Survey for a long time because it is not only beneficial for the researchers but also helpful for the industries as it gives them an idea of the potential areas of competition. After introduction of the mandatory FLA census in 2011, this survey was restructured in 2012 to supplement the FLA census.
The survey captures information on a wide range of indicators of performance (production, exports, imports, cost of material, etc.,) along with the crucial features of technology transfer agreements (nature, duration, mode of payment, export restriction, provision of exclusive rights, use of technology after expiry of the agreements, etc.).
The survey is currently conducted biennially for Indian direct investment companies which have entered into foreign technical collaboration agreements with foreign companies as at end-March of the two financial years.
The survey is launched via RBI press release. Simultaneously, email notifications are also sent to the reporting entities along with excel based survey schedules. Reporting entities then submit duly filled-in survey schedule to generic email id of RBI, which are then processed on RBI’s internal intranet portal.
The data submitted by reporting entities are analysed internally and aggregate level results are published on RBI website biennially.
Confidentiality Clause
The company-wise information provided will be kept confidential and only consolidated aggregates will be released by the Reserve Bank.
Note: The respondent companies should fill-up the survey schedule in excel format (*.xls format) available on RBI website. Respondents are requested to read the Instruction sheet (available in survey schedule) thoroughly before filling the survey schedule.
Important points to remember while participating in FCS survey
Q1. What are the points the reporting entities should remember while filling the survey schedule?
Ans.: The respondent companies should follow the below-mentioned points while filling the survey schedule:
i. The company must use the latest survey schedule which is in .xls format without any macros.
ii. The company is required to save the survey schedule in Excel 97-2003 workbook i.e., in .xls format only.
iii. In order to save the survey schedule in .xls format, follow the below-mentioned steps:
a. Go to Office Button / File → Save As → Save As type
b. Select “Excel 97-2003 Workbook” and Save the survey schedule in .xls format.
iv. The company must use the .xls format of the survey schedule provided by RBI and are requested not to incorporate any macros in the survey schedule while submitting the same.
v. Please note that survey schedules submitted in any other format (other than .xls format) will be auto rejected by the system.
vi. Please ensure, all information furnished in the survey schedule are complete and no information is missed out.
vii. After filling Part-I to III, the company has to fill the Declaration sheet. The Declaration sheet helps in confirming and validating that the information entered by the company are double checked before submitting the same to RBI. This would help to avoid errors like data entry errors, missed data etc.
viii. Further the respondents are requested to not use any special characters i.e., [!@#$%^&*_()] and comma while data filing in all parts of survey schedule.
Details of survey launch
Q2. In which month of the year, the FCS survey is launched by the RBI?
Ans.: The RBI launches the FCS survey during the month of June every year with the last two financial year end-March as the reference date.
Q3. What is the frequency of this FCS survey?
Ans.: Biennial.
Q4. What is the due date for the submission in FCS Survey?
Ans.: The respondent companies can submit their responses on or before July 15 of the survey year.
Q5. What is the reference period of this FCS survey?
Ans.: Last two financial year (FY) starting from April YYYY to March YYYY. For eg., FCS survey for the reference period 2021-2023 covers April 2021 to March 2022 and April 2022 to March 2023.
Q6. How do I know that the survey is launched?
Ans.: The Reserve Bank will send emails to all the eligible entities from generic email IDs of the Reserve Bank to notify them about the launch of the FCS survey for the latest reference period. Entities are required to fill in the latest survey schedule attached along with the mail and send to the generic email IDs of the Reserve Bank as per the instruction given in the survey schedule.
Q7. How do I know whether my response has been submitted successfully or not?
Ans.: After sending the duly filled in survey schedule (excel based) to the generic email IDs of the Reserve Bank as per the instruction in the survey schedule, the respondent will receive the system-generated acknowledgement. No separate mail will be sent in this regard. If some error is mentioned in the acknowledgement, then the respondent is required to resubmit the form by rectifying the mentioned error. After corrections, the respondent should receive a successful processing acknowledgement email.
Q8. In case where account closing period of the company is different from reference period (end-March), can we report the information as per account closing period?
Ans.: In case the account closing is different from end-March, the company cannot report the information as per their account closing period. In such cases, the information should be reported for the reference period only, i.e., previous March and latest March based on company’s internal assessment. Companies can submit provisional figures in FCS survey schedule, if audited data is not available.
Q9. Which entities can participate in the FCS survey?
Ans.: Companies, who have inward FDI along with foreign technical collaboration (FTC) agreements can participate in this survey.
Q10. If the company does not have FTC during the survey reference period, do they need to participate in the survey?
Ans.: In case the company does not have any FTC during the survey reference period, then they have to submit the survey schedule of FCS survey by filling Part I and II of the form.
Q11. What if the reporting entity does not receive the soft copy of the survey schedule by email?
Ans.: In case the reporting entity does not receive the soft-form of the survey schedule, they may download the same from RBI website—> ‘Regulatory Reporting’-→ ‘List of Returns’-→ ‘FCS – Survey Schedule’ or Forms→Survey or send a request to the email:
Some important definitions and concepts
Q12. What is the meaning of Foreign Technical Collaboration?
Ans.: Indian company which has entered into an agreement with a foreign entity in terms of technology transfer, know-how transfer, use of patent, brand name etc, then such type of agreement are treated as Foreign Technical Collaborations (FTC).
Q13. What is a foreign subsidiary?
Ans.: An Indian company is called as a Foreign Subsidiary if a non-resident investor owns more than 50 per cent of the voting power / equity capital or where a non-resident investor and its subsidiary(s) combined own more than 50 per of the voting power / equity capital of an Indian enterprise.
Q14. What is a foreign associate?
Ans.: An Indian company is called as Foreign Associate if non-resident investor owns at least 10% and no more than 50% of the voting power/equity capital or where non-resident investor and its subsidiary(s) combined own at least 10% but no more than 50% of the voting power/equity capital of an Indian enterprise.
Q15. What is Pure Technical Collaboration?
Ans.: An Indian company is said have Pure Technical Collaboration if the company has only foreign technical collaboration and have not received any foreign direct investment.
Some other important points to be noted
Q16. How to identify the reporting company?
Ans.: Please read the definitions of foreign subsidiary, foreign associate, Pure Technical Collaboration and accordingly select the type of reporting company. Further, if you have chosen “Others” in identification of reporting company, please specify.
Q17. What information on economic activity classification has been covered under this survey?
Ans.: In the FCS form, industry codes are given as per the National Industrial Classification (NIC) (2 digit) codes. Please specify, if you have chosen “Other” industry codes, like Other manufacturing, Other services activities.
Q18. Is it required to fill the declaration at the end of the FCS survey schedule?
Ans.: Yes, it is mandatory. Here the person authorised to fill the form owns the responsibility of information furnished and declares its accuracy including CIN number. It is a final check for all the details which are filled-up in the survey schedule of FCS survey.
Q19. Provide the list of the Fatal and Non-Fatal Errors with their descriptions.
Ans.: Please refer to the below table containing the error codes (Fatal error, non-Fatal error) with their descriptions. If you get an acknowledgment of the processed data with any Fatal error codes, then follow the below-mentioned fatal error message/description and revise your data and resubmit it on If you get an acknowledgment of the processed data with any Non-fatal error codes then give justification/clarification on the errors, by sending the same to
Sr. No. |
Revised- Rejection Criteria | Revised – Error Message/descriptions | Error Code |
Fatal Error | |||
1 | When the year is left blank | The year cannot be left blank. Please specify the reference year and fill the return. | FCS_F_001 |
2 | When the survey year is incorrect | Survey year should be the subsequent survey after the latest closed survey year in the system. Please specify the correct Survey year | FCS_F_001 |
3 | When survey year is null | The survey year cannot be NULL. Please specify the survey year and fill the return. | FCS_F_001 |
4 | When survey year is incorrect | Please specify proper survey year, please fill the form for the survey year | FCS_F_001 |
5 | When survey year is invalid | The year for which the information is pertaining, is invalid survey year. Please mention the reference year for which the return is filled | FCS_F_001 |
6 | When survey year is closed | FCS survey for {year} is closed | FCS_F_001 |
5 | When name of company not provided | Name of company is not provided. Please provide the name of company. | FCS_F_002 |
6 | When CIN Number is not given | CIN number is not provided. Please provide CIN number of the company. | FCS_F_003 |
7 | When telephone number is not given | Please provide the telephone number of contact person. | FCS_F_004 |
8 | When email id is not given | Please provide the email id of the contact person. | FCS_F_005 |
Non-Fatal Error | |||
1 | When type of organization is not given | Please provide the type of organization. | FCS_NF_001 |
2 | Identification of the Reporting company when it is not given | Please specify the Identification of the Reporting company. | FCS_NF_002 |
3 | When economic activity is not given | Please provide the economic activity. | FCS_NF_003 |
4 | Please provide details for country name / equity share. | Please provide details for country name / equity share. | FCS_NF_008 |
5 | When provide details for country name / loan details is not given | Please provide details for country name / loan details. | FCS_NF_009 |
6 | When provide details for country name / amount details is not given | Please provide details for country name / amount details. | FCS_NF_011 |
7 | When the total equity capital of organization is not given | Please provide the total equity capital of the organization. | FCS_NF_004 |
8 | When foreign participation in equity capital cannot be more than total equity capital. | The foreign participation in equity capital cannot be more than total equity capital. | FCS_NF_005_PY |
9 | When foreign participation in equity capital cannot be more than total equity capital. | The foreign participation in equity capital cannot be more than total equity capital. | FCS_NF_005_CY |
10 | When foreign participation in equity capital cannot be more than total equity capital. | The foreign participation in equity capital cannot be more than total equity capital. | FCS_NF_005 |
11 | When Field 2: (2a) cannot be blank for both the years as company is foreign subsidiary. | Field 2: (2a) cannot be blank for both the years as company is foreign subsidiary. | FCS_NF_006 |
12 | When Field 2 cannot be blank for both the years as company is foreign associate. | Field 2 cannot be blank for both the years as company is foreign associate. | FCS_NF_007 |
13 | In part II, block 7, Total value of imports (7.1) cannot be less than sum of imports from foreign parent/associate/collaborator (7.1.1) and imports under collaboration arrangement (7.1.2). | In part II, block 7, Total value of imports (7.1) cannot be less than sum of imports from foreign parent/associate/collaborator (7.1.1) and imports under collaboration arrangement (7.1.2). | FCS_NF_012_PY |
14 | In part II, block 7, Total value of imports (7.1) cannot be less than sum of imports from foreign parent/associate/collaborator (7.1.1) and imports under collaboration arrangement (7.1.2). | In part II, block 7, Total value of imports (7.1) cannot be less than sum of imports from foreign parent/associate/collaborator (7.1.1) and imports under collaboration arrangement (7.1.2). | FCS_NF_012_CY |
15 | In part II, block 7, Total value of imports (7.1) cannot be less than sum of imports from foreign parent/associate/collaborator (7.1.1) and imports under collaboration arrangement (7.1.2). | In part II, block 7, Total value of imports (7.1) cannot be less than sum of imports from foreign parent/associate/collaborator (7.1.1) and imports under collaboration arrangement (7.1.2). | FCS_NF_012 |
16 | In part II, block 7, Exports of goods (7.2.1) cannot be less than sum of export of goods produced under foreign collaboration agreements ( and exports to/on behalf of/through foreign collaborator/associate ( | In part II, block 7, Exports of goods (7.2.1) cannot be less than sum of export of goods produced under foreign collaboration agreements ( and exports to/on behalf of/through foreign collaborator/associate ( | FCS_NF_013_PY |
17 | In part II, block 7, Exports of goods (7.2.1) cannot be less than sum of export of goods produced under foreign collaboration agreements ( and exports to/on behalf of/through foreign collaborator/associate ( | In part II, block 7, Exports of goods (7.2.1) cannot be less than sum of export of goods produced under foreign collaboration agreements ( and exports to/on behalf of/through foreign collaborator/associate ( | FCS_NF_013_CY |
18 | In part II, block 7, Exports of goods (7.2.1) cannot be less than sum of export of goods produced under foreign collaboration agreements ( and exports to/on behalf of/through foreign collaborator/associate ( | In part II, block 7, Exports of goods (7.2.1) cannot be less than sum of export of goods produced under foreign collaboration agreements ( and exports to/on behalf of/through foreign collaborator/associate ( | FCS_NF_013 |
19 | In part II, block 7, Export of services and other foreign exchange earnings (7.2.2) cannot be less than exports to foreign collaborator/associate ( | In part II, block 7, Export of services and other foreign exchange earnings (7.2.2) cannot be less than exports to foreign collaborator/associate ( | FCS_NF_014_PY |
20 | In part II, block 7, Export of services and other foreign exchange earnings (7.2.2) cannot be less than exports to foreign collaborator/associate ( | In part II, block 7, Export of services and other foreign exchange earnings (7.2.2) cannot be less than exports to foreign collaborator/associate ( | FCS_NF_014_CY |
21 | In part II, block 7, Export of services and other foreign exchange earnings (7.2.2) cannot be less than exports to foreign collaborator/associate ( | In part II, block 7, Export of services and other foreign exchange earnings (7.2.2) cannot be less than exports to foreign collaborator/associate ( | FCS_NF_014 |
22 | In part II, block 7, Total value of export on f. o. b. basis (7.2) cannot be less than sum of export of goods (7.2.1) and export of services and other foreign exchange earnings (7.2.2). | In part II, block 7, Total value of export on f. o. b. basis (7.2) cannot be less than sum of export of goods (7.2.1) and export of services and other foreign exchange earnings (7.2.2). | FCS_NF_015_PY |
23 | In part II, block 7, Total value of export on f. o. b. basis (7.2) cannot be less than sum of export of goods (7.2.1) and export of services and other foreign exchange earnings (7.2.2). | In part II, block 7, Total value of export on f. o. b. basis (7.2) cannot be less than sum of export of goods (7.2.1) and export of services and other foreign exchange earnings (7.2.2). | FCS_NF_015_CY |
24 | In part II, block 7, Total value of export on f. o. b. basis (7.2) cannot be less than sum of export of goods (7.2.1) and export of services and other foreign exchange earnings (7.2.2). | In part II, block 7, Total value of export on f. o. b. basis (7.2) cannot be less than sum of export of goods (7.2.1) and export of services and other foreign exchange earnings (7.2.2). | FCS_NF_015 |
25 | when company has foreign technical collaboration agreements, please provide the number of agreements. | Since your company has foreign technical collaboration agreements, please provide the number of agreements. | FCS_NF_016 |
26 | agreement details by providing information on all fields need to be filled | Please provide the agreement details by providing information on all fields. | FCS_NF_017 |
27 | Incomplete information. Please provide the agreement details for all the foreign technical collaboration agreements mentioned in field 11(b). | Incomplete information. Please provide the agreement details for all the foreign technical collaboration agreements mentioned in field 11(b). | FCS_NF_018 |