1. Preliminary
The importance of Indian laws is not hidden from anyone. Every Indian should have basic knowledge of Indian laws and the Constitution. My profession is belonging to tax laws and I have written so many articles on tax and other laws till date. But this is the first time when I am writing something on law in poetry form for a specific reason! Exactly one month ago, on 22nd February, 2021 my beloved mother passed away. The incident was quite sudden and put me in a grief as I was neither prepared nor ever thought about it. I had never been away from my mother in the life. Whether it’s school time for study or it’s related to any business or profession after completion of study. She was not suffering from any disease rather fit and healthy and always busy either in family work or spiritual life. Even a single medicine was not needed to her though she was then 65 years old. And this is not the situation only at that time but whole life hardly she needed any medicine except for a few occasions. There is much more to talk about her but this is not a right place!
Since from last one month I am going through the most painful experiences of the life and trying to come out from the grief. I felt just one thing which can reduce my grief and make me strong internally that is reading and writing. After two week from the death, when almost all social formalities and customs related to death are completed, I gradually started again my professional work including reading and writing. This write up is actually a memorial tribute to my mother and fortunately today is ‘World Poetry Day’ when I am going to complete this write up. The other reason to write this write up in poetry form is to make it interesting, simple and understandable for a layman, trade organisation, professional and all other readers. Efforts has been made to cover and explain various important rules of construction of laws, legal maxims, presumptions, special and qualifying words and phrases, judicial pronounces and other settled prepositions etc. Further a brief end note is given for every rule of constructions, legal maxims etc. with citations of relevant case law.
The legal language is a special and standard language of law based on logical rules involved large amount of distinctive words and long sentences, used to describe a technical subject. Whereas poem is written in poetic language by using aesthetic and rhythmic type word, Simile, Metaphor etc. aimed to convey emotions, history, messages, happiness , grief, hope and so on. So it is a difficult task to create a poem on law subject as there are many words and expressions that may inferred differently in poem when used in legal sense. So the language of poem may not always capable to explain what the author wants to say.
Though each line has been crafted carefully but there can be a situation in which I have a clear understanding of any rule or preposition but I could not able to explain it in reasonable way through couplets. But I am sure if the readers read this poem with the end notes and cited judgments they would definitely get the knowledge of various concept of law.
2. Poem
Indian laws Rules Regulations absolute
Flow from, conform to the Constitution
Law of the land, dynamic and living organ
Ability to grow with socio-economic evolution1
Freedom of Speech and Expression
Right to vote, equal opportunity to citizen
Education and many fundamental right so on
Sovereign republic nation, democratic federal union
No Absolutism and Totalitarian
Indian Law of land, unique of its own
Salute to all great souls and Solon
Who worked, suffered and framed the Constitution
Power to make law vested in Parliament and State Legislatures
With respect to territories and subject matters2
Executive powers of the Union and States
Vested in the President and Governors3
Exercised directly or through officers subordinate
Constitutionalism touches both ends as well as means
No Autocracies or Despotism, control by checks and balances
Separation of powers among legislature, executive and Courts
Nemo superior to the law, Equity, Impartiality before the law4
Parliament can’t break the law, Legislation too regards the law
All are subject to law, No tax except authority of law5
Constitutional democracy governed by Rule of Law
Everyone must obey, follow and respect it
Whether public government owner or servant
‘Impossibility’ is an excuse, but not ‘Ignorance’6
Power, money, position no abuse
Promise to liberty, Safeguard to life and property
‘Law’ means law having force of law in Indian Territory7
Every Indian be safe and happy
It’s for Indian, by Indian, of the Indian
Proud Praise Concern of every citizen
Broad large gentle Challenging difficult
No one able to decode it perfect
It has too pros and cons, merits and demerits
Conflicts between letter of law and spirit
Construction whether liberal or strict
What the law says or what it means
Noscitur a sociis8 or Ejusdem Generis9
Locus Standi10 or Principles of natural justice11
Rule of last antecedent12 or Promissory estoppel13
Harmonious Golden or Mischief construction
Or best interpretation by usages and custom14
No provision should be read in isolation
Significance of each and every expression15
Law operates equally upon one and all
Statute must be read as a whole16
Provisions of more than one Act can be read together
When the same are complementary to each other17
Every statute prima facie operate prospective
Unless expressly or by necessary implication made retrospective
No retrospective effect of statutes affecting vested rights
Retroactive acting backward; affecting what is past
Overruling is retrospective except matters already settled18
Saying ‘comes into force’ is distinct from ‘come into operation’19
A judgment itself can’t be set at naught by legislative action
Basis of decision can be nullify by amending the relevant provision20
Grammatical rules must not always signify their authority
When term ‘Person’ used as an adjective
Definition of ‘person’ as noun not apply21
Unless the context require otherwise
Interpretation of tax treaty in good faith
Whether justify, effective or redundant
Saving clauses protect certain provisions of repealed Act22
Such as any order, direction, proceeding, liability or vested right
Accrual of profit ‘de die in diem’ or at year end23
Question whether practical, academic or best
Definitions in General Clauses Act apply to Central Act24
Unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context
Word ‘May’ indicate ‘Discretion’, ‘Shall’ an ‘Obligation’.
‘May’ may be read as ‘Must’, “Shall’ not always ‘Compulsion’25
Word “OBLIQUE (/) denotes ‘Or’ or ‘Alternatives’26
‘And’ is conjunctive and ‘Or’ is disjunctive
Sometimes used ‘one for the other’ and interchangeably27
Two different words in the same statute prima facie construe differently28
‘Ordinarily’ means ‘Normally’ but not invariably29
Word ‘As’ has many shades of sense
Like, because, to the extent, in the manner and when
Phrase ‘subject to’ understood as ‘conditional upon’30
‘Attributable to’ and ‘Derived from’ are not same
Word ‘Any’ used to indicate ‘all’, ‘every’, ‘one’ or ‘some’
Word ‘Includes’ in a definition is prima facie extensive
Also used as “Mean and include” and can be exhaustive31
‘In’ may indicate ‘At the end of’, ‘Within’ means Before the end of’32
‘Notwithstanding’ read as ‘nevertheless’, ‘despite’, or ‘in spite of’33
Repeal of an ‘Amending Act’ does not affect the amendments34
Phrase ‘for the time being’ may denote the time present or indefinite
Or a single period of time or an indefinite state of facts35
‘Error of law’ may not alike to ‘Not according to law’36
Word ‘Purpose’ means ‘what it is sought to achieve’ but not ‘Motive’
‘Effect’ refers the end accomplished or achieved37
‘Similar’ is not similar to ‘Identical’38
‘So far as may be’ construed as ‘To the extent possible’39
‘Considers it necessary’ is an expression of discretion
A ‘Proviso’ plays a different role; as an Addendum or Exception40
May work independent or qualify main provision
‘Illustrations’ can’t extend the meaning of a section41
‘Titles or heading’ though not control the statutory provision42
But a shorthand reference and clue in depict the intention
Overriding effect of ‘Non obstante clause’ in case of confliction
‘Explanation’ may be introduced by way of ‘Abundant caution’43
‘Dicta’, ‘Obiter dicta’ just remark or suggestion44
Made `by the way’ by Court as extrajudicial expression
No direct connection to the issue under consideration
Different Rules, Interpretation, hodge-podge and troublesome!
Right of appeal though remedial but substantive
Impunity leads to serious and more crime
Penalty is corrective, construed reasonably
Charge of Interest compensatory so mandatory
Penal law required to be interpret strictly
Negative, prohibitory language indicate statute is mandatory
What can’t be done directly, can’t be allowed to be done indirectly45
Nullity is the consequence of unconstitutionality
A person is presumed innocent until proven guilty
Modus operandi to identify the culprit46
Burden of proof lies on the plaintiff47
Procedural law not to be tyrant but a servant
Hyper technical approach should not be adopted48
Construction made provision superfluous must be avoided
Benefit of ambiguity to the subject not to tax evader49
One provision not to be used to defeat another
Accountability of Government and public similar
Equal importance to substantive and procedure law,
Parent Statute prevails over subordinate and bye-law50
‘Codification’ implies a written revision of all existing laws51
Also eliminating obsolete portions and including new provisions
Presumption against the implied repeals52
Power to remove difficulties does not confer power to frame rules53
In case of conflict between two section or Act
A logical approach is to try and reconcile them is best
If they can’t reconciled then General provision yield to specific provision
Otherwise the last resort is later abrogates the earlier one54
Rules are subordinate to the Act
But Act can’t override tax treaty or avoidance agreement
Ratio decidendi is binding, general observations are not precedent55
Law declared by Supreme Court is binding on all courts56
Binding in regard to its ratio and principle57
Delegation of power to make law not permissible
Making law to delegate power is acceptable58
Orders, bye-laws, schemes, rules or regulations
Normally made or known as Subordinate legislations
Ancillary in the nature, limited delegation
Can’t replace or modify the parent provision
Order passed without jurisdiction is null and void
Conditions precedent for the exercise of power must be satisfied59
Sub-delegation of legislative power is unauthorized
Unless expressly or by necessary implication authorized
Enable taxpayer not to escape the tax
Court cannot supply a casus omissus60
Proper opportunity of being heard must
Object, substance and effect decide nature of an Act
There is no straight jacket formula or shortcut
No Addition, substitution or rejection of any word
Conclude what is right and what is wrong
Laws must be just, clear, publicized and stable
Imprisonment under 420 for cheating61
An ‘On going’ or ‘Living Act’ treated ‘always speaking’62
Punctuation helps to understand the structure of a sentence63
It denotes the quality of connection rather than length or pause
Generally it can’t be ignored in interpreting the text
Its impact ultimately depend on the language and intent
Hey friends are you reading
I M trying to explain something
No principle of interpretation has universal application
Each case depends upon the facts of its own
Rules of constructions are not the rules of laws
A subject-matter may involve many aspects
So legislative competence based on pith and substance64
Don’t defeat the legislative intent
Interpretation according to the text and context
Text is the texture, color according to the effect and object65
When a statute is conflicting and inconsistent
Efforts must be made to reconcile the difference
Construction to make law operative and effective
Laws may sleep for a while, but never die
Avoid an approach which renders the statute futile
Judges interpret the law but not enact it
Enhance the justice, not to frustrate it
Prevent the mischief, advance the remedy
Even if hundred of accused are released
But no innocent should be punished
Anyhow justice must be rendered
End notes:
1 [Refer case of Union of India (UOI) v. Naveen Jindal [2004] 15 ILD 47 and National Textile Workers’ Union v. P.R. Ramakrishnan (1983) 1 SCC 228]
2[For details refer articles 245 to 248 of the Constitution of India.]
3[Refer Article 53 and 154 of the Constitution]
4 [Nemo is a Latin word which means No one; nobody. This is used as initial word of many Latin phrases and legal maxims.]
5 [Article 265 of the Constitution of India]
6[For details refer case of Narmada Bachao Andolan Vs. State of M.P. & Another, AIR 2011 SC 1989]
7 [Refer Article 13(3) of the Constitution]
8 [Noscitur a sociis means meaning of a doubtful word may be ascertained by reference to the meaning of words associated with it. [State of Bombay v. Hospital Mazdoor Sabha AIR 1960 SC 610; Ahmedabad Pvt. Primary Teachers’ Association Vs Administrative Officer & Ors., AIR 2004 SC 1426: 2014 (1) SCC 755]
9 [Ejusdem Generis – The rule is that when general words follow particular and specific words of the same nature, the general words must be confined to the things of the same kind as those specified. But it is clearly laid down that the specific words must form a distinct genus or category. (Kavalappara Kottarathil Kochuni & Ors. Vs The State of Madras & Ors., AIR 1960 SC 1080; Siddeshwari Cotton Mills (P.) Ltd. v. UOI, AIR 1989 SC 1019]
10 [Locus standi – means right of a party to an action to appear and be heard by the court]
11 [For meaning of principles of natural justice refer case of UOI v. J.N. Sinha AIR 1971 SC 40; A.U. Kureshi vs. High Court of Gujarat & Anr (2009) 11 SCC 84; R.S. Dass v. UOI, AIR 1987 SC 593]
12 [Rule of last antecedent – G.P. Singh in his book Interpretation of Statute, 8th edn. at page 267 explained “As a corollary to the rule that phrases and sentences in a statute are interpreted according to the grammatical meaning, relative and qualifying words, phrases and clauses are applied to the antecedent immediately proceeding. The rule is, however, subordinate to context and may be better stated by saying that a qualifying phrase ought to be referred to the next antecedent which will make sense with the context and to which the context appears properly to relate it”. Refer also case of Mangibai Hariram v. State of Maharashtra AIR 1966 SC 882 and Classic Builders & Developers vs UOI (2001) 115 TAXMAN 393 (MP)]
13 [Principle of promissory estoppel -The principle of estoppel in India is a rule of evidence incorporated in Section 115 of The Indian Evidence Act, 1872. The principle of promissory estoppel means where one party has by his words or conduct made to the other a clear and unequivocal promise which is intended to create legal relations or effect a legal relationship to arise in the future, knowing or intending that it would be acted upon by the other party to whom the promise is made and it is in fact so acted upon by the other party, the promise would be binding on the party making it and he would not be entitled to go back upon it. It is not necessary, in order to attract the applicability of the doctrine of promissory estoppel that the promisee acting in reliance of the promise, should suffer any detriment. The only thing necessary is that the promisee should have altered his position in reliance of the promise.]
14 [Best interpretation by usages and custom is based on the maxim ‘Contemporanea exposito’ which means usage or practice developed under a statute is indicative of the meaning ascribed to its words by contemporary opinion. Also refer case of K.P. Varghese v. ITO [1981] (SC) 131 ITR 597]
15 [In High Court of Gujarat v. Gujarat Kisan Mazdoor Panchayat [2003] 4 SCC 712 it has been held by the Apex Court that it is a well-settled principle of law that an attempt should be made to give effect to each and every word employed in a statute and such interpretation which would render a particular provision redundant or otiose should be avoided.]
16 [This is the important basic rule of interpretation based on the Latin maxim ex visceribus actus which means a statute has to be read as a whole and not piecemeal. Also refer case of Padmasundra Rao v. State of Tamil Nadu [2002] 255 ITR 147]
17 [Refer case of Board of Trustees of the Port of Bombay v. Sriyanesh Knitters [1999] 7 SCC 359]
18[It is a settled principle of statutory construction that every statute is prima facie prospective unless it is expressly or by necessary implications made to have retrospective operations. Legal Maxim nova constitutio futuris formam imponere debet non praeteritis, i.e. a new law ought to regulate what is to follow, not the past, contain a principle of presumption of prospectively of a statute. Refer case of CIT 5 Mumbai Vs Essar Teleholdings Ltd., AIR 2018 SC 1116: 2018 (3) SCC 253]
19 [Refer case of Abhilakh Ram vs B. Uma Shanker, AIR 1950 All 666]
20 [Refer case of Government of Andhra Pradesh v. Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd., AIR 1975 SC 2037 and National Agrl. Co-op. Marketing Federation of India Ltd. v. UOI, (2003) 260 ITR 548 (SC)]
21 [Refer case of Supreme Court in Dr. (Major) Meeta Sahai vs State of Bihar on 17 December, 2019 and FCC v. AT&T Inc. 562 U.S. 397 (2011)]
22 [Refer case of Pratap Narain Agarwal vs Ram Narain Agarwal And Ors., AIR 1980 All 42]
23 [The phrase ‘de die in diem’ is a Latin term which means from day to day or continuously. For details refer case of CIT vs. Ashokbhai Chimanbhai (1965) 56 ITR 42 (SC)]
24 [Section 3 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 made it clear that the definitions given in the said section applies to the General Clauses Act itself and to all Central Acts and regulations made after the commencement of said Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context.]
25 [Refer case of Sub-committee of Judicial Accountability v. UOI AIR 1992 SC 320 and Shivjee Singh vs. Nagendra Tiwary, AIR 2010 (SC) 2261 at 2263]
26[Refer case of Rohit Chauhan V. Chairnman University College of Engg. Sambalpur, AIR 2001 Ori 125, 130]
27 [Refer case of Ch. Razik Ram v. J.S. Chauhan AIR 1975 SC 667 and Manmohan Das Shah v. Bishun Das, 1967 AIR 643, 1967 SCR (1) 836]
28 [When the same statute uses two different words then prima facie one has to construe that these two different words must have been used to mean differently. Refer case of CIT v. Sun Engineering Works (P.) Ltd. (1992) 4 SCC 363]
29 [Refer case of Krishan Gopal v. Prakashchandra AIR 1974 SC 209 and Kailash Chandra v. UOI AIR 1961 SC 1346]
30 [Refer case of K.R.C.S. Balakrishna Chetty & Sons & Co. v. The State of Madras, [1961] 2 S.C.R. 736]
31 [ Refer case of South Gujarat Roofing Tiles Manufacturers Association v. State of Gujarat [1976] 4 SCC 601]
32 [Refer case of CIT v. Ekbal & Co. (1945) 13 ITR 154 (Bom)]
33 [Refer case of Khaizar Basha vs Indian Airlines Corporation, New … on 1 August, 1984, AIR 1984 Mad 379]
34 [Refer case of Jethanand Betab v. The State of Delhi, AIR 1960 SC 89 and Khuda Bux v. Manager, Caledonian Press, AIR 1954 Cal 484]
35 [Refer case of Union Territory Of Chandigarh vs Rajesh Kumar Basandhi And Anr, 2003 (4) RSJ 571]
36 [Refer case of Supreme Court in -Hari Shankar vs Rao Girdhari Lal Chowdhury on 5 December, 1961, 1963 AIR 698, 1962 SCR Supl. (1) 933]
37 [Padmavati Jaykrishna vs CIT, 1975 101 ITR 153 Guj
38 [The word ‘similar’ does not mean ‘identical’ but it means corresponding to or resembling to in many respects; somewhat like, or having a general likeness. Refer case of Nat Steel Equipment Pvt. Ltd vs Collector of Central Excise, 1988 AIR 631, 1988 SCR (2) 732]
39 [Refer case of Md. Savi v. State of West Bengal, AIR 1951 Cal. 97]
40 [Refer case of Kihota Hollohon v. Zachilhu AIR 1993 SC 412 and State of Rajasthan v. Mrs. Leela Jain AIR 1965 SC 1296]
41 [Refer case of UOI v. Avinash P. Bhonsle [1993] 76 Comp. Cas. 326 (Bom.)]
42[Refer case of IFC of India v. Cannanore Spinning & Weaving Mills Ltd. (2002) 110 Comp. Cas. 685 (SC) and Khoday Industries (P.) Ltd. v. CIT [1987] 163 ITR 646]
43 [Refer case of Keshavji Ravji & Co. v. CIT [1990] 183 ITR 1 (SC)]
44[For meaning of ‘Dicta’, ‘Obiter dicta refer case of Divisional Controller, KSRTC v. Mahadeva Shetty, (2003) 7 SCC 197 and Girnar Traders v. State of Maharashtra, (2007) 7 SCC 555]
45[Refer case of MTNL vs. Telecom regulatory authority of India, AIR 2000 Delhi 208]
46[Modus operandi—means Mode of operating i.e. a characteristic pattern of methods of a repeated criminal act; the way in which a person goes to work; a distinct pattern or method of operation especially that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in …; is someone’s habits of working; It is used to identify the culprit.]
47[One cardinal rule of law of evidence is in a legal maxim ‘Actori incumbit onus probandi’ which means ‘the burden of proof is on the plaintiff or the prosecution. The plaintiff’s case has to stand on its own legs and plaintiff cannot claim his claim to be established on account of the weakness of the defendant’s case.’ Refer also case of RAJU Vs. RAJU {CDJ 2011 MHC 5942} and Ramaraj vs T.N.V.Durairaj on 14 March, 2012, Madras High Court]
48[Refer case of Jai Jai Ram Manohar Lal v. N.B.M. Supply AIR 1969 SC 1267]
49[Refer case of Noorulla Khan vs Regional Transport Officer, ILR 1985 KAR 2711]
50[Refer case of CIT v. Taj Mahal Hotel[1971] 82 ITR 44 (SC)]
51[Refer observation in case of Guru Amarjit Singh v. CWT [2002] 254 ITR 510 (Punj. & Har.) ]
52 [Refer case of Municipal Council, Palai v. T.J. Joseph AIR 1963 SC 1561and Ratan Lal Adukia v. UOI, AIR 1990 SC 104]
53[Refer case of Krishnadeo Misra vs State of Bihar And Ors., AIR 1988 Pat 9, 1987 (35) BLJR 784]
54[Refer case of King v. Dominion Engineering Co. Ltd., (AIR 1947 PC 94); Chief Inspector of Mines v. Karam Chand Thapar, AIR 1961 SC 838; Ajay Kumar Banerjee v. UOI, AIR 1984 SC 1130]
55[For meaning of ‘Dicta’, ‘Obiter dicta, Ratio decidendi etc. refer case of Divisional Controller, KSRTC v. Mahadeva Shetty, (2003) 7 SCC 197 and Girnar Traders v. State of Maharashtra, (2007) 7 SCC 555]
56[Refer Article 141 of the Constitution of India 1949]
57[B. Sharma Rao Vs Union territory of Pondicherry, 1967 AIR 1480, 1967 SCR (2) 650]
58[Refer case of Sadhu Singh S. Mulla Singh vs District Board, Gurdaspur, AIR 1962 P H 204]
59[Refer case of ITO v. Lakhmani Mewal Das [1976] 103 ITR 437 (SC) and Vindhya Metal Corporation v. CIT (1985) 156 ITR 233 (All.)]
60[Refer case of Padmasundra Rao v. State of Tamil Nadu [2002] 255 ITR 147]
61[That is under section 420 of The Indian Penal Code (IPC)]
62[It is now a well-known rule of statutory construction that an “on going” statutory provision should be treated as “always speaking”. The principle is set out in Bennion Statutory Interpretation (3rd edn. 1997). . . .” (p. 686). Refer also case of Victor Chandler International v. Customs and Excise Commissioners [2000] 2 All ER 315]
63[Refer case of Aswini Kumar Ghose v. Arabinda Bose AIR 1952 SC 369 and Hindustan Construction Co. v. CIT (No. 1) (1994) 208 ITR 291 (Bom.)]
64[‘Pith and substance’ means ‘true nature and character’. It is well settled that the validity of an Act is not affected if it incidentally trenches on matters outside the authorised field, and therefore it is necessary to inquire in each case what is the pith and substance of the Act impugned. If the Act, when so viewed, substantially falls within the powers expressly conferred upon the Legislature which enacted it, then it cannot be held to be invalid, merely because it incidentally encroaches on matters which have been assigned to another legislature. (The State Of Bombay And Another vs F.N. Balsara, 1951 AIR 318, 1951 SCR 682)]
65[ Refer case of Reserve Bank Of India vs Peerless General Finance & … 1987 AIR 1023, 1987 SCR (2) 1]
Sir, Your effort is sincerely appreciated since you have elaborated in simple and lucid language. Thanks.
Thank you so much for your kind words
I am glad you find it useful
Wonderful. Mohd. Rafi (postpomously) could have given wonderful music.
Long time back I had a book of Accountants Dictionary. Now please public Tax Payers Dictionary. Every one would appreciate it. Once Upon a time Ramayyas Book of Explanation was one book but it is a volume by volume. Could replace the pillow cotton with this book, that suddenly a confusing clause in the dream will find an explanation.
Please make the Tax Payers Dictionary.