Know case status pending at High Court on Mobile
Requirements to avail SMS based enquiry service
A Mobile hand set with Mobile connection from any Mobile service provider like Airtel, BSNL, Reliance, Tata Indicom, Vodafone etc., having SMS facility.
How to get the case status?
The litigant or the lawyer who sends the SMS should know case number of the case for which the case status to be known and then he/she should follow the steps given below for sending the SMS.
Step No.1
Type the SMS in the following format
CASE TYPE — Max. 5 Alphabets (A-Z , a-z) list of CASE TYPE is enclosed.
CASE NO — Numeric
CASE YEAR — Numeric ( 4 year digit )
For example: – WP 100 2007 or MCA 212 2005 or fa 7 2008 or Cria 13 2003
Step No. 2
Send the SMS to the Mobile Number: – 9420685618
If the format is correct and the case number is valid, then the reply will be sent to your mobile in seconds.
For example:
WP 100 2007
Status: Pending
Hearing date 06/03/200 7
If the format is incorrect, the sender will be asked to send the SMS in correct format.
Additional Information
The reply may be put in queue and delivered later by the service provider, if the SMS Inbox of your mobile is full or congestion in the mobile service network.
No reply will be sent if the SMS is not received at the server end. The logs of incoming and outgoing messages are maintained.
List of Case Types | |
Case Description | CASE TYPE |
Appln. for Appointment of Arbitrator | AAR |
Admiralty Suit | AS |
Appeal From Order | AO |
Appeal Under Arbitration Act | AUA |
Appeal Under E.S.I. | AUE |
Appeal Under Workmen’s Compensation Act | AUW |
Application in Election Petition | AELEP |
Arbitration Application | ARA |
Arbitration Petition | ARP |
Civil Application | CA |
Civil Application (Review) | CAREV |
Civil References | CREF |
Civil Revision Application | CRA |
Civil Suit | CS |
Company Appeal | COA |
Company Application | COAP |
Company Application (Main) | COAPM |
Company Petition | COP |
Confirmation Case | CONF |
Contempt Appeal | CAPL |
Contempt Petition | CP |
Contempt Petition (Main) | CPM |
Criminal Appeal | CRIA |
Criminal Application ( Bail ) | CRMAB |
Criminal Application ( Main) | CRMAM |
Criminal Contempt Petition | CONP |
Criminal Misc. Application | CRMA |
Criminal Revision Application | CRIR |
Criminal Transfer Appeal | TACR |
Criminal Writ Petition | WPCR |
Cross Objection | XOB |
Custom Appeal | CUSA |
Election Petition | ELEP |
Excise Appeal | EXA |
Excise Application | EXAP |
Execution Application | EA |
First Appeal | FA |
Income Tax Appeal | ITA |
Letter Patent Appeal | LPA |
Misc.Civil Application | MCA |
Misc.Civil Application (Main) | MCAM |
Public Interest Litigation (Suo Motu) | PILSM |
Public Interest Litigation WP | PILWP |
Reference Application Under Customs Act | RUCA |
Reference Under Income Tax Act | RUIT |
Second Appeal | SA |
Suo Motu Contempt Petition | SMCP |
Suo Motu Criminal Contempt Petition | SMCRC |
Suo Motu Writ Petition | SMWP |
Tax Appeal | TXA |
Transfer Application | XFA |
Transfer Matter | XFER |
Writ Petition | WP |
kallakurichi court os no. 99/2010. chennai hc crp 957/2012. m.asokan vs ramasamykounter.
ashokan s/o muthu vevayudham vs ramasamy kounter case no.99/2010 at kallakuricci court opp advacate fast 2 years requsting hearing date from judge solution of this court remedy.
date of releasing
CRP pending at chennai HC case no 957/2012