1. Personal Income Tax: Minor relief of Rs. 2000
- Slabs of taxation not revised
- Ad-hoc Relief of Rs. 2000 for Tax Payers in the first bracket of Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 5 lakhs.
- Relief available to Individuals having total income upto Rs. 5 lacs.
Let’s Party of these Rs. 2000…J
2. Personal Income Tax: Surcharge Re-introduced
- Surcharge to be levied at the rate of 10%
- If the taxable income of following persons exceeds Rs. 1 Crore:-
– Individuals;
– HUF’s;
– Firms; &
– entities with similar tax status
– Applicable for one year i.e. Financial Year 2013-14
3. Surcharge Increased on Companies
Domestic Companies | Foreign
Companies |
Surcharge |
5 % on domestic companies whose taxable income exceed Rs. 10 crore. | 2 % on foreign companies whose taxable income exceed Rs. 10 crore. |
Proposed Surcharge | 10 % on domestic companies whose taxable income exceed Rs. 10 crore. | 5 % on foreign companies whose taxable income exceed Rs. 10 crore. |
4. Surcharge Increased on Distribution of profits also
- Dividend distribution tax or tax on distributed income, surcharge increased from 5 to 10 %
- Applicable for one year i.e. Financial Year 2013-14
5. Raising the limit of percentage of eligible premium for life insurance policies of persons with Disability or Disease
- Under existing provisions, in section 10(10D) and section 80C(3A) the benefit is available to such policy, whose premium does not exceed 10% of the ‘actual capital sum assured
- Now this limit has raised to 15% in case of life insurance policies for persons suffering from disability and certain ailments.
6. Section 80D: Deduction Expanded to Other schemes
- Earlier this benefit was available to Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) only;
- Now this deduction has been extended to other health schemes of the Central and State Governments, which are similar to the CGHS, as may be notified by the Central Government
7. Section 80G: 100% deduction for donation to National Children’s Fund
Existing the deduction is allowable at the rate of 50% of the amount donated. | Now proposed to increase the deduction to 100% of the amount of donation. |
8. Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme liberalized
Expanding the scope of deduction and its eligibility u/s 80CCG
Existing it is available to Equity shares of listed companies | Now available in respect of listed equity shares as well as units of mutual funds i.e. equity oriented fund |
Eligibility limit of the investors’ income was Rs. 10 lacs | Eligibility limit of the investors’ income raised to Rs. 12 Lacs |
It was allowed for One assessment Year | Now it shall be allowed for THREE consecutive assessment Years |
Maximum Deduction amount : Rs. 25,000 i.e. 50% of the investment | Maximum Deduction amount : Rs. 25,000 i.e. 50% of the investment |
9. Tax Rate on Royalty or Fees for Technical Services, INCREASED!!!
- Section 115A proposed to be amended
- Tax rate on income by way of royalty and fees for technical services u/s 115A increased from 10% to 25%.
- Above rate is further subject to the tax rate as specified in the treaty with the other country.
10. Investment Allowance @ 15%
Incentive for acquisition and installation of new plant or machinery by manufacturing company
• New Section 32AC proposed to be inserted
• To encourage substantial investment in plant or machinery by a Manufacturing Company
• Conditions:-
o Investment of Rs. 100 Crore or more in new assets (plant or machinery), as defined in this section
o during the period from 1st April, 2013 and ending on 31st March, 2015
o Lock in Period of 5 Years
• Investment Allowance Working:-
o 15% of the investment in AY 2014-15, cost of such assets exceeds Rs. 100 Crore;
o 15% of aggregate amount of actual cost of new assets, acquired and installed on 1st April, 2013 and ending on 31st March, 2015, as reduced by the deduction allowed, if any, for assessment year 2014-15
• This is over & above Normal & Additional Depreciation.
11. Extension of the sunset date under section 80IA for the POWER SECTOR
- Section 80IA(4)(iv)
- Proposed to provide further time to the undertakings to commence the eligible activity to avail the tax incentive
- By extending the terminal date by a further period of one year i.e. up to 31st March, 2014
- But benefit available to POWER SECTOR Only
12. Owning your First House
- New Section 80EE proposed to be inserted – For Additional Deduction in respect of interest on loan sanctioned during financial year 2013-14 for acquiring residential house property
- Allowability of deduction:-
– Amount of interest paid subject to maximum of Rs. 1 Lac in AY 2014-15;
– Amount of interest payable for the subsequent years is less than one lakh rupees, the balance amount shall be allowed in the AY 2015-16.
- Conditions:-
– Loan must be sanctioned during the period from 1st April, 2013 and ending on 31st March, 2014
– The amount of home loan does not exceed Rs. 25 Lacs;
– the value of the residential house property does not exceed Rs. 40 Lacs
– the Assessee does not own any residential house property on the date of sanction of the loan, this must be the first house
13. Extension for one more year:-Lower rate of tax on dividends received from foreign companies
- Section 115BBD
- Taxation of gross dividends received by an Indian company from a specified foreign company (in which it has shareholding of 26% or more) at the rate of 15%
- To incentive for attracting repatriation of income earned by residents from investments made abroad
- In order to continue the tax incentive for one more year, this section proposed to extent for one more year i.e. AY 2014-15.
14. Removal of the CASCADING EFFECT of Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) on Dividend from Foreign Subsidiary Company
- Section 115-O proposed to be amended
- Earlier this covered exemption of DDT in case of holding company on dividend received from DOMESTIC Subsidiary Company
- Now this section proposed to extend the same provisions to Foreign Subsidiary Company of a Domestic Parent Company
Applicable with Effect from 01/06/2013
A Welcome provision
15. Section 194LC extended to long-term infrastructure (Rupee Denominated) bonds
- Withholding tax on interest of such borrowings @ 5%
- In order to facilitate subscription by a non-resident in the long term infrastructure bonds issued by an Indian company in India (rupee denominated bond ),
- Concessional rate of withholding tax on interest in case of certain rupee denominated long-term infrastructure bonds
- Where a non-resident deposits foreign currency in a designated bank account and such money as converted in rupees is utilised for subscription to a long-term infrastructure bond issue of an Indian company, then, for the purpose of this section, the borrowing by the company shall be deemed to be in foreign currency.
- Applicable with Effect from 01/06/2013
Widening of tax base and anti-tax avoidance measures
16. Introduction of TDS : On transfer of Immovable Properties, Except Agricultural Land
- New Section 194-IA proposed to be inserted
- Every transferee, at the time of making payment or crediting of any sum as consideration for transfer of immovable property (other than agricultural land) to a resident transferor, shall deduct tax, at the rate of 1% of such sum.
- No deduction if consideration less than 50 lakh rupees.
Applicable with Effect from 01/06/2013
17. Additional Income-tax on distributed income by company for BUY-BACK OF UNLISTED SHARES
- New Chapter XII-DA, proposed to be inserted
- to provide that the consideration paid by the company for purchase of its own unlisted shares which is IN EXCESS OF THE SUM received by the company at the time of issue of such shares (distributed income) will be charged to tax
- the company would be liable to pay additional INCOME-TAX @ 20% of the distributed income paid to the shareholder
- The additional income-tax payable by the company shall be the final tax on similar lines as dividend distribution tax.
- The income arising to the shareholders in respect of such buy back by the company WOULD BE EXEMPT where the company is liable to pay the additional income-tax on the buy-back of shares.
- Applicable with Effect from 01/06/2013
- Older Provisions:-
- Section 46A reads with section 48 of the Act, provided for taxability of the difference of buy back value & sale consideration as Capital Gain in the hands of the shareholders
- These gain was taxable as long term or short term capital gain as depending upon the holding period.
18. Logic of Section 50C, now Imported to the “Profits and gains of business or profession”
- New section 43CA proposed to be inserted
- where the consideration for the transfer of an asset (other than capital asset), being land or building or both, is less than the stamp duty value, the value so adopted or assessed or assessable shall be deemed to be the full value of the consideration for the purposes of computing income under the head “Profits and gains of business of profession”.
- Further, in case difference in dates of agreement for fixing the value of consideration & date of registration, the value as on date of AGREEEMNT to be revoked for this section.
- However, above exception shall be applied only in case consideration is received in any mode other than CASH.
Real Estate Businessman, Pl take CARE!!!
19. Taxability of immovable property received for Inadequate Consideration
- Provisions of clause (vii) of sub-section (2) of section 56 proposed to be amended
- Existing provisions covered only taxability of immovable properties received for without consideration, in hands of the individual or HUF as income from other sources.
- Now the section has been amended to cover the cases of transfer of immovable properties at concessional rate too.
- Further, in case difference in dates of agreement for fixing the value of consideration & date of registration, the value as on date of AGREEMENT to be revoked for this section.
- However, above exception shall be applied only in case consideration is received in any mode other than CASH.
Now Taxable as Gift in kind
20. GAAR Postponed to AY 2016-17
- GENERAL ANTI-AVOIDANCE RULE (GAAR), as inserted into the Income-tax Act by the Finance Act, 2012
- These amendments will take effect from 1st April, 2016 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2016-17 and subsequent assessment years.
21. Definition of “Agricultural Land” for Capital Gains amended
- Amendment in Section 2(14)(iii)(b);
- Corresponding amendments in section 2(1A) of Income Tax Act & Section 2(ea) of the Wealth Tax Act.
- To include, any land situated in any area within the distance, measured aerially (shortest aerial distance)
– (I) not being more than two kilometers, from the local limits of any municipality or cantonment board referred to in item (a) and which has a population of more than ten thousand but not exceeding one lakh; or
– (II) not being more than six kilometers, from the local limits of any municipality or cantonment board referred to in item (a) and which has a population of more than one lakh but not exceeding ten lakh; or
– (III) not being more than eight kilometers, from the local limits of any municipality or cantonment board referred to in item (a) and which has a population of more than ten lakh, shall form part of capital asset.
Now nature of the land, is linked with Populations
22. Section 10(10D) Amended
- Definition of Keyman insurance policy, amended
- to provide that a keyman insurance policy which has been assigned to any person during its term, with or without consideration, shall continue to be treated as a keyman insurance policy
23. No deduction for CASH PAYMENTS u/s 80GGB & 80GGC
- With a view to discourage cash payments by the contributors
- No deduction shall be allowed in respect of cash contributions under above sections
24. Merely Tax Residency Certificate, Not sufficient
- Sub-section (4) of sections 90 and 90A of the Income-tax Act inserted by Finance Act, 2012 makes submission of Tax Residency Certificate containing prescribed particulars, as a condition for availing benefits of the agreements referred to in these sections
- It is proposed to amend sections 90 and 90A in order to provide that submission of a tax residency certificate is a NECESSARY BUT NOT A SUFFICIENT condition for claiming benefits under the agreements referred to in sections 90 and 90A.
- Retrospective amendment w.e.f. AY 2013-14
Scope of Verification Widen
25. Section 132B: Term “Existing Liability” clarified
- The existing provisions contained in section 132B of the Income-tax Act, inter alia, provide that seized assets may be adjusted against any existing liability under the Income-tax Act, Wealth-tax Act, the Expenditure-tax Act, the Gift-tax Act and the Interest-tax Act and the amount of liability determined on completion of assessments pursuant to search, including penalty levied or interest payable and in respect of which such person is in default or deemed to be in default
- Now, it is proposed to amend the aforesaid section so as to clarify that the existing liability does not include advance tax payable in accordance with the provisions of Part C of Chapter XVII of the Act
Applicable with Effect from 01/06/2013
Negative Impact of Interest, in Seizure case
26. Return of Income filed without payment of self- assessment tax to be treated as defective return
- Explanation to Section 139(9) amended
- It is proposed to amend the aforesaid Explanation so as to provide that the return of income shall be regarded as defective unless the tax together with interest, if any, payable in accordance with the provisions of section 140A has been paid on or before the date of furnishing of the return.
Applicable with Effect from 01/06/2013
Caution: Do not file return without paying taxes
27. Amendment in section 142(2A)
Existing Conditions | Proposed Conditions |
Assessing Officer having regard to the nature and complexity of the accounts of the assessee and the interests of the revenue |
if at any stage of the proceedings before him, the Assessing Officer, having regard to the NATURE AND COMPLEXITY OF THE ACCOUNTS, VOLUME OF THE ACCOUNTS, DOUBTS ABOUT THE CORRECTNESS OF THE ACCOUNTS, MULTIPLICITY OF TRANSACTIONS IN THE ACCOUNTS OR SPECIALIZED NATURE OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF THE ASSESSEE, AND THE INTERESTS OF THE REVENUE, is of the opinion that it is necessary so to do, he may, with the previous approval of the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner, direct the assessee to get his accounts audited by an accountant and to furnish a report of such audit. |
28. Assessment of Foreign transactions:
Period of limitation u/s 153 & 153B Amended
- With a view to clarify the above situation, it is proposed to amend the aforesaid clause (viii) of Explanation I to section 153 so as to provide that the period commencing from the date on which a reference or first of the references for exchange of information is made by an authority competent under an agreement referred to in section 90 or section 90A and ending with the date on which the information requested is last received by the Commissioner or a period of one year, whichever is less, shall be excluded in computing the period of limitation for the purposes of section 153.
- Also Applicable to Search Assessments
- Similar amendments are also proposed in the Explanation to section 153B
29. Penalty under section 271FA for non-filing of Annual Information Return
fails to furnish such return within time as prescribed in 285BA(2) | fails to furnish such return within time as prescribed in notice issued 285BA(5) |
Rs. 100 per day for the days the default continues | Rs. 500 per day for the days the default continues |
30. Commodities Transaction Tax (CTT) Introduced
- A new tax called Commodities Transaction Tax (CTT) is proposed to be levied on taxable commodities transactions entered into in a recognised association
- It is proposed to define ‘taxable commodities transaction’ to mean a transaction of sale of commodity derivatives in respect of commodities, other than agricultural commodities, traded in recognised associations
- Payable by Seller of commodities only
- This CTT is allowable expenditure u/s 36 of the Income Tax Act, 1961
31. E-filing of annexure-less return of WEALTH TAX
- New section 14A & 14B (similar to section 139C & 139D of Income Tax Act) proposed to be inserted into the Wealth Tax Act, 1953
- Consequential amendment to section 46 Wealth Tax Act, 1953
- Applicable with Effect from 01/06/2013
Now E-filing Wealth Tax Returns possible
Go Green!!!
Disclaimer :- This immediate analysis has been prepared keeping in mind the interest of tax fraternity. Full care have been taken while doing the analysis, however we disclaim any liability if any arise.
CA Vidhan Surana : vidhansurana@suranamaloo.com
CA Sunil Maloo : sunilmaloo@suranamaloo.com
For compliance u/s 194-IA, if transferee is an individual assessee, he will have to go through the rigors of all the provisions of TDS.
SURCHARGE Applicable for Financial Year 2013-14.
To be read 194IA (instead of 197I)
I want to know that how relief of tax of Rs. 2000/- will be given to the individual.
Re. Item 16,new section 194IA, mandating TDS of 1% on certain transactions in ‘immovable property’,earlier proposed in the last Budget but later dropped like a hot potato,has been sought to be reintroduced; albeit with some modification(s). In one’s perspective, however,it has obviously been so done mindlessly, without the very much needed/desired home work.
For an appreciation of,- ‘why to say so’, as one sees it (experts may correct, if wrong) what ought not to be over sighted is the very much live/ continuing provision for tax exemption of capital gains- e.g. section 54,54 EC. Should a taxpayer opts to, or intends opting for, such exemption,by complying with the stipulated conditions, then he gets an extended time (2/3 years) for taxation. The other inter-related/connected provision requiring to remain focused on is, besides the saving section 197,section 199 (rwr thereunder). It is noted,as of now, there has been not even any indication of correspondingly warranted changes in those provisions.
If one were to go by the latest public announcement, the DTC Bill has the prospects of being introduced in the Parliament for enactment before long. According to the last seen text of the Bill, the above referred extant scheme of tax exemption is slated to undergo a significant change. For any further deliberation on the subject TDS, it is anyone’s guess what will be its new avatar thereunder, hence left clueless.
Over to experts,who are supposed to be better equipped and enlightened, for more thoughts and useful sharing of views.