Case Law Details
Case Name : Commner. of Income Tax Vs M/s Textool Co. Ltd. (Supreme Court of India)
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Courts :
Supreme Court of India
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True that a fiscal statute is to be construed strictly and nothing should be added or subtracted to the language employed in the Section, yet a strict construction of a provision does not rule out the application of the principles of reasonable construction to give effect to the purpose and intention of any particular provision of the Act. (See : Shri Sajjan Mills Ltd. vs. Commissioner of Income Tax, M.P. & Anr. (1985) 156 ITR 585). From a bare reading of Sectin 36(1) (v) of the Act, it is manifest that the real intention behind the provision is that the emp
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We provide consultancy and support service to companies in following matters:-
1. Consultancy for Formation of a New Approved Irrevocable Gratuity Trust,
2. Consultancy for Gratuity Trust Deed, Trust Rules, Applications required for Approval of Trust,
3. Consultancy for Approvals of Trust in terms of Part C of Schedule IV from Income Tax Department in following cases :-
a. Approvals for New Gratuity Trust or Group Gratuity Scheme
b. Approvals for Change in Trust Deed
c. Approvals for Change in Trust Rules
d. Approvals for Change in Object of Trust
e. Approvals for Change in Trustees
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It means that thought the amount is disallowable u/s 40A(7), deduction could be claimed u/s 36(1)(v).