Ahmedabad, Oct 8 The CBI has arrested a State Bank of India (SBI) employee for allegedly cheating hundreds of illiterate or semi-literate customers who opened their savings accounts in the bank and misappropriating Rs five crore in the process.
“The CBI has arrested an Assistant of SBI in Porbandar, Tulsi P Ladani, for misappropriation of Rs 5.24 crore from around 259 savings accounts,” a CBI spokesperson said.
“It was alleged that the accused, while working in SBI (Kutiyana branch) during 2004-2010 used to accept the money tendered by illiterate and semi-literate customers of the branch and issue a counterfoil containing stamp of the bank under his signature.
“However, the amounts thus received were not credited into the accounts of the customers and were allegedly siphoned off.